Chapter Two

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Neji POV

Me and the rest are going to the mist. Naruto's toad, Gamakichi, and Kakashi's dog, Pakkun, are going to get Master Jiraiya.

It grows dark quickly, to quickly.

"Set up camp here. Sasuke, can you set up up traps all around us" Yamato asked

"Sure, I got nothing better to do."

"I'll make shelter, Wood Style"

A Japanese looking temple type thing grew from the ground.

"Shikamaru, come here."  I'm in a dark part of the third floor.

"Where are you?"

I walk up behind him,"Right here" I wrap my arms around his waist.

"W-what are you doing?"


"Oh, I get it now" my eyes went wide, "you want to train our love, so we won't have a problem fooling the Futal Lord."


He turned around, where he is facing me. He ran his long skinny finger though my hair, to the back of my neck.... My heart aches. All he thinks this is, is a mission love trial. But no, no it isn't, I truly do love him. I always have, ever since I have been going on missions with him.he got closer.

"Shikamaru?" I ask

"Yea, what is it?"

"What am I to you?" I ask

"Well, a comrad."


"Hey, what wrong?"


"No, tell me"

"Would you believe me?" I asked

" I always trust, believe, and rely on my comrades"

"Shikamaru, I- I love you."

(Remember this is Neji POV)

"Really or are training?" Shikamaru asked

"For real. I love you Shikamaru..... Shika-"

"Shut-up and kiss me."

We are both in a corner. I pinned Shikamaru to the wall and crashed my lips with his.

He started moving his lips, then mine start moving. This turned into a make out session.

We pause to breath.

"Neji,..... I love you"

I just noticed that he has ahold of my hand. Locking each and every finger into place between mine.

This is the first time I have smiled since we won the 4th Great Nation War.

"Let's go back downstairs"


We go downstairs, and I basically see Yamato and Naruto with Icicle snot.

'Winter, winter already?'



"What do you sense, babe?"

"Another Chakra network, around 7 o'clock. By the looks of the Chakra style, it is an unseen Ninjusu style user, it's a weather style."

" I got it" Sasuke said with a smug look on his face.

I released the Byakugan. I fell to the ground.

"NEJI!" Shikamaru yelled.

"Damnit, I used the Byakugan to much."

I had to survey the area while we were walking, and I felt a little lightheaded.

"I'm ok, just lack of Chakra."

I look to my right to look for something to help me up, and I see my cousin, Hinata, with Ten Ten...... Is that smacking I hear?! Are they really kissing?!

"Here, babe"

"Thanks, Shikamaru, I love you" I kiss his temple

"I see you two are getting along well" Kakashi Said.

The room busted with laughter

"Well good." Looking up at Kakashi and Iruka. I see that their HOLDING HANDS!!!!

"Ino c'mon, I want to see you!"

Ino was in the bathroom changing, and Sakura was waiting for her.

Ino came out with a hot pink skirt, with black leggings and a red and Pink crop top on.

"Is everyone training for lord Cozar's insanity?"

Everyone shook their heads. Except for Choji and Rock Lee

"We all love our partners."

"Me and Naruto" Sasuke said hugging him from behind

"Me and Iruka" Kakashi said Eskimo kissing Iruka Sensai

"Me and Sai" Yamato said kissing Sai's head.

"Me and Shino" Kiba and Ochamaru rub against Shino.

"Me and Sakura" Ino said holding Sakura's hand.

"Me and Hinata" Ten Ten said braiding Hinata's long hair.

I remember when I had to do that, just so she could eat without having hair in her food.

"Me and Lee and Just buddies" I look over at Lee and I see him weeping.

"Well everyone besides them two" Kakashi restated.

"Now off to bed people."

"Everyone can sleep, I set up cans to wake us up if anyone approaches" Sasuke explained

Yamato made wood style beds and with the transformation Justu he made the wood sheets and pillows.

"Thank you Yamato" I say

I lay down in my bed, and Shikamaru crawled in with me.

Kakashi and Iruka are sleeping together.

So are Sai and Yamato and also Naruto and Sasuke.

Ino and Sakura, Hinata and Ten Ten.

Wait, how is Yamato with us? He didn't come with US.

I passed out thinking about it

~~~ End Of Chapter

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