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(This story may come to an end, sorry)

Sakura POV

"So.... Kakashi....... Ever think about you know... Actually saying 'I love you' to Iruka sensei?" I asked weakly lying on a bed.

"I will... Jeez..."

"You better....... Or, I'll kill you..... In your afterlife." And I breathed my last breath.

After the mission and the whole thing with Orochimaru, Kakashi Sensei and Iruka Sensei haven't been separated....

Then, Sasuke and Naurto Have been real close, like me and Ino.

Choji and Lee haven't really been a 'couple' but... They haven't been away from each other...

As for Yamato and Sai, They went off somewhere together and Haven't came back.... Some leaf ninja explore the woods and see them, so I know they are alive.

Shikamaru and Neji have played games constantly since the mission. I wonder if this is their way of affection.

I've seen Shino riding Ochamaru with Kiba.

TenTen and Hinata 'Train' together.

After all of the bad stuff happened with the leaf, Asuma and Kurnai Sensei ended up Raising a young boy named Konatoto, and a girl named Sazuki.

Jiraiya came back safe and sound, After he got better, That Pervy guy and Lady Tsunade got married and had a little girl name after Naruto.. Nanasuko.

Naruto went back to training with Jiraiya.

Naruto went on one last mission with Sasuke.....

In that battle even The Nine Tails Fox didn't help, he passed away and he buried right beside his father.... Sasuke goes there everyday now. Our hero is gone and luckily since before Sasuke and Naruto were a thing, Naruto got Hinata pregnant and and passed down the nine tails, trapping him in his son. Their Son's name is Tomakata.

Garra and his siblings passed away of natural disasters, Garra died from getting his head decapitated by a wheel of a car.

Tamari died of drowning in a tsunami in the forest.

Mr. PuppetMan died lightning strike....

Hinata died giving birth the second time, but the child survived... This time it was.... Sasuke's..... He was named after His dad, who died after drinking something poisonous. Sasuke was placed right by Naruto.

Everyone else live.....except you know.... Me......

I, Sakura Haruno, died trying to protect the children of fallen ninjas.... The hidden sound over powered me.... But didn't get past. The children survived, no matter where I am..... That made me happiest.... Seeing Tomakata, Nanasuko, Sazuki, Konatoto, and Sasuke Jr. alive and healthy.

(Yea, I know depressing, I didn't know any other way to end the story.... Hope you enjoyed.)

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