Chapter Four

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(I don't know why, but I have better ideas in Neji's POV)

Neji POV

When we wake up the next day I find Shikamaru with his head on my chest.

What happened here?

Sasuke woke up.

"What're doing up so early?" He asked

"Force of habit"

He nodded in understandment.

Oh yea! That happened. I confessed to Shikamaru! Ugh, I feel dumb now. Or was that a dream?

I kiss Shikamaru's head and he woke up.

He looked up at my face


"Hello," I say back.

He leaned forward and kissed me.


Yamato wakes up and woke up Sai.

Ino woke up with a yawn. Then she woke Sakura up.

Kakashi did the same to Iruka Sensai.

It went on and on.

Hinata woke up before waking TenTen.

"Hinata I'm still tired!"

Sasuke and Naruto.

Kiba and Shino.

Choji and Lee slept separate

Still don't know what's going on.

oh yea it was a mission.

"since everyone is awake now... time to hit the road"

we all hold our partners hands.

(yes I know I keep saying the names over and over)

Kiba and Shino.

Kakashi and Iruka.

Yamato and Sai

Sasuke and Naruto

Ino and Sakura.

Hinata and TenTen.


After about 20 minutes we were ambushed by Hidden Sound ninja.

We took them down. Ino and Lee was hurt and Sakura is healing them now.

"As soon as their healed let's eat" Yamato said

"Eat what, Captain Yamato?" Naruto asked

"I made sandwiches for everyone here"

"Looks like I'm left out" Sasuke says

"Yamato" Naruto said "you said there was enough for everyone"

"Oh sorry, Sasuke. I'm so use to you being with Orochimaru"

"Here, Sasuke" Said Naruto

"Feed me" Sasuke puts Naruto on his lap.

Sasuke opens wide.

(Naruto POV)

Sasuke opens wide.

I start to feed him tearing part of my sandwich off so I didn't choke him.

"Mmmm that's good"


We all finish normally exept me and Sasuke.

I'm still feeding him on his lap.

"Aaaahhhh" I POP another piece into his mouth

He finished. He pecked my lips, got me off his lap, and stood up.

We all started walking again. This time we make it to the mist.

"Hold it" Naruto yells, "here..... I need to check up on Gamakichi.... Sommoning Justu!"

Gamatasu pop in display.

"Hey, go to Gamakichi and find out where he is!"

He goes to find Gamakichi and we all go to the tower.

Holding hands we all entered. Including Choji and Lee.

---End of chapter.

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