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My eyes widened. "Holy shit dude, are you serious?" Angela can't be his cousin. No, it just can't be possible.

"I'm dead serious, why would I lie about that?" He asked, clicking his pen over and over.

"I don't know, because you do have a history of lying to me,"

He put his hand over his chest. "What?! I don't lie!" Now, he was lying about lying. I rolled my eyes and flipped him off. He laughed as he looked down at his phone.

"Can I ask you something about Angela?" I asked, licking my lips.

"Shoot," He said, sinking into his seat.

"What happened with her and Rico last year? Like I heard he pressured her into stuff, and put her through hell,"

"I can't be the one to tell you that. You'll have to ask her. But I swear to god, if you hurt her in any way, I will rip your fucking balls off,"

"But I wo-" the bell had cut me off, and Nate darted out of class. Odd.

I gathered my stuff and went out of class. I took my phone out, and started to reply to a text but I had bumped into someone. He was kind of tall, had dirty blonde hair. I didn't know him, but his style is nice.

"Oh, I'm sorry," He said to me.

"It's okay," I replied, with a small smile, as he walked off.

"Sam!" I heard someone say. I turned around and Angela was running towards me, I opened my arms and she jumped into them, wrapping her legs around my waist. Wow, I wasn't expecting that, but us like this, it felt so nice. I could stay in this position forever. She had her arms around my neck as she hugged me so tight. After awhile, I set her down, and hugged her some more. We're not even dating but we act like it.

"You seem excited to see me," I told her, as I pulled away from the hug.

"I am, I couldn't stop thinking about you in class,"

"Aw, me too, beautiful," I kissed her cheek as we waited for the bell to ring.


at night;


"Oh my god, fuck," I moaned as I fingered myself. What really gets me horny as fuck is imagining Sammy eating me out, and making me scream his name. He could eat me out so fucking good, I'd be in heaven.

I was so close by now, and I had just started. I went faster and faster as I moaned loudly. I threw my head back as my orgasm came over me. I cleaned myself up and drifted off to bed.


"Angela Glass, come down here now!" I heard someone yell, which had woke me up. I looked at the time; 2:45 a.m., what the fuck?!

I threw the covers off of me as I headed downstairs. Once I got downstairs, my mom and dad were at the dining table; they didn't look happy.

"What?" I asked, as I rubbed my eyes.

"You wanna explain to us why you were late for first period this morning?" My dad asked, raising his voice. When he raises his voice, not gonna lie, it's kinda scary.


"You heard me. Why were you late for class? You got to school on time so I don't know why you were late,"

"I was helping Jack clean out his locker, because he asked for help," I lied.

"So if we ask him, he'll tell us that?" My mom asked, raising her eyebrows.

"This is so ridiculous!" I complained.

"All I'm saying is, me and your father can call him right now and ask him if that's what happened. If he tells us that happened, then okay we will leave you alone, but if he tells us something different, then you're grounded for another three weeks,"

My heart had dropped to my stomach, fuck, they're gonna find out I'm lying, since Jack doesn't lie to anyone. He wouldn't lie to cover my ass up.

"It's almost three o' clock in the morning, you really expect him to answer?"

"If he doesn't answer, we will talk to him tomorrow, I'll pick him up on our way to school," My dad said.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Whatever. Can I go back to bed?"

"Not until we call him,"

"Why are you doing this? What's your intent?"

"To find out the truth,"

"Oh my god, I hate being in this family!" I said, running towards the door and opening it and running out.

"Angela!" I heard someone yell. I kept on running. I don't know where to, but I'll find somewhere.


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