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There was the sound of the bell, thank god it's the end of the day. I darted out of my classroom so I could see Sammy real fast before meeting Jack. I power walked over to him once I saw him and gave him a big, warming hug. I hugged him so tight, that I'm sure I was hurting him, so I loosed my grip.

"So you're gonna still sneak out with me tonight right?" He asked, looking into my eyes. I looked back into his dark, chocolate brown eyes. I never realized how pretty his eyes are.

"Of course I am, if it means being able to spend time with you," I said, leaning up to kiss his cheek. Once I pulled away, I saw that I had left a lipstick mark on his cheek.

"Oops sorry," I apologized, licking my finger and removing the mark.

"No need to apologize,"

We said our goodbyes and then I waited for Jack. I then realized I had forgotten my binder in my last class. I set my bag down and started running to my class. Since nobody was in the halls, it was easier to get to the class and get out.

I looked back while I was running, because I heard something, and then I landed on the floor. I looked up; Rico.

I stood up, trying to keep my distance away from him because whenever I had saw him, that day would just play over and over in my head.

He came towards me, as I kept backing up. I eventually backed up into the lockers, no place to go.

He pinned my arms up against the locker, having a tight grip on me. It was hurting, because of how tight his grip was.

"You look beautiful today, baby girl," He told me, inches from my lips. I looked away, not wanting to kiss him, or even go near him. I couldn't get out of his grip, it was just too tight.

"Let go of me!" I exclaimed, hoping Jack would find me and help me.

"Not until you let me fuck that pretty little mouth of yours,"

I brought my knee up, and made contact with his crotch, kicking it hard, making him land to the floor and grab that area. That gave me time to run. I ran quickly into my classroom and Jack was there.

"There you are!" He greeted me, coming in for a hug.

I denied it and swerved around him, quickly grabbing my binder, and taking him out of class with me.

"Woah, what was that about?" He complained.

"I'll explain later, we have to go now," Once I got my bag from the spot, we went to the front of the school to where my mom was parked.

Once she saw me, she opened her door and came towards us. "What took you so long? I have been waiting for half an hour!"

"Nothing, I was just asking my teacher for help on the homework. He explained it to me, and I went to go find Jack, he wants to come over and help me with it," Damn, I didn't even have time to think of that, and I came up with that on the spot. I'm pretty impressed with myself.

She looked at both of us and then smiled. "Alright, get in the car. We can go out to eat,"


Once we had eaten, we went back home, and me and Jack headed up to my room. He shut the door behind him, as I sat on the edge of my bed.

"So what happened? You grabbed my arm pretty hard and you basically rushed us out of the classroom,"

"Well basically what had happened was I said bye to Sam after school, and I waited for you in the spot I said I was gonna meet you. When I waited for about a minute, I realized I forgot my binder in my last class. So I ran to my class and I looked back while I was running because I had heard something, and I bumped into someone, causing me to land on the floor. I looked up and it was Rico. I tried to avoid him and go around him but it didn't work, he had me backed up into the lockers, and be pinned my arms up against the lockers, and was basically telling me how beautiful I looked and I told him I wanted him to let go of me, and he's said and I quote 'Not until you let me fuck that pretty little mouth of yours,' so I kicked him in the balls and yeah,"

He looked speechless. His mouth had hung open.

"Wow, that's intense. I'm so sorry," He said coming over to hug me. I embraced him into the hug, hugging him tightly; my arms around his neck, and his around my waist.

"It's okay, I hope he leaves me alone some day," I started. "So what did you wanna show me?"

"Oh, uh, t-this new video game I got. I know how much you love Mario Kart, so I got it, and I uh, thought you wanted to play it, so I brought it," He told ms, taking it out of his bag.

"You're on! Let's do this!"


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wet ; sam wilk + jack johnson Where stories live. Discover now