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I was running so fast, I could barely tell where I was going. I didn't know where I was headed, but I'm for sure it's better than my own house. Living there...it's such a living hell; literally. I can't do anything without getting yelled at and shit. My parents are constantly fighting, and yelling. They bring their anger out on me. It's just so annoying. I just wanna be 18 already so I can move out and do whatever the fuck I want.

I tried so hard to stop running, until something had tripped me; a rock. I don't know how that had happened, but it did, I guess. I had fallen on my face, so it'll be all scraped up. I got up, groaning in pain. I felt my face, and I took my finger off of my face so I could see if there's any blood, my entire finger was full of blood. Ouch. I looked down at my knee, blood was dripping down. I decided to start walking back home. It was like 3:16 a.m., ish.

"Angela?" I heard a voice say. I looked all around me and I saw a tall figure in the darkness coming towards me. My heart started racing so fast, I was so scared.

The figure got closer to me; Jack. He was the person that said my name. I was confused to why he was out here.

"What are you do- oh my god are you okay?!" He asked, putting a finger under my chin. I flinched at his touch, since it had hurt to anyone touching it.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just tripped,"

"You couldn't have done that much damage to your face by falling! Who hurt you?!"

"Jack, I'm serious, I fell," I said, looking him in the eyes. He looked me in the eyes as well.

"Okay, well we better get you home and clean the blood up off of your body and face," He told me, looking down at my knees.

"Can we uh, go to your house?"

"Yeah yeah, of course. Did your parents like kick you out or something?" He asked, as we started walking.

"No, they pissed me off so I ran away, and yeah," I told him, limping because of the pain. It feels like I broke my leg, it hurts so fucking bad.


"Why are you out here at 3 o' clock in the morning?"

"I couldn't sleep and I have a lot on my mind, so I decided to take a walk, it's what I usually do," He said, bringing his hand up to scratch the back of his neck.

When we reached his house, we went upstairs to his bathroom as he cleaned me up. I had scratches on my face and knees. It had looked like I got into a fight and someone scratched me. It had hurt when he wiped the blood off.

"All done," He told me, throwing away the stuff. I got off the counter and sat down on the toilet.

"Thank you," I said with a smile.

"No problem,"

"I should probably go back home, huh?"

"I mean, if you want to, you could stay the night and we could pick your bag up tomorrow morning. You don't h-have to though, you can go back home or stay here. I-I got a bed you can sleep in. Not like sleep like we just fucked but uh-"

"Yes Jack, I get it," I said laughing. He chuckles nervously.

"Alright, u-uh lets go back to bed then,"


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wet ; sam wilk + jack johnson Where stories live. Discover now