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"Have fun with Sam!" I heard someone yell as they ran past me. It made me jump a little.

"Slut," Another person said to me as they walked past me. Why am I all of a sudden being treated with little respect? All day people have been giving me crap about hanging out with Sam or something like that. Why does it matter to them who I hang out with?

I reached my locker, as it was the end of the day. I put the code in, and got my stuff together.

"Hey," A familiar voice said. I looked to my right; Sam. I smiled politely, as I closed my locker and put my bag on my back.

"All day people have been giving me shit," I told him, as we were walking. He opened the door for me and I smiled as I walked out.

"Yeah, same here. What have they been saying to you?"

"Well my ex Rico was like 'oh it's not my fault if you get pregnant' and all this other shit. When I was walking to my locker before school ended someone told me 'have fun with Sam!' and someone else called me a slut,"

"Rico gave me shit too, I'd rather not talk about him, he angers me,"

I nodded in agreement. We reached a black convertible. It was a really nice and clean car.

"Is this your car?" I asked him.

"Yep, she's my baby. I love this car more than I love myself,"

I laughed. "Seriously?"

He shrugged. "Okay, but I love this car a lot," He emphasized the words "a lot". He opened the door and got in, and I did the same.

He started the car up, the song Or Nah came on.

"Just a heads up, my mom will act nervous towards you at first. She'll ask you a bunch of questions, that's because she wants to know the type of people I hang out with. Otherwise, she's a chill and fun person to be around. My dad on the other hand, he just doesn't give a fuck, he's a major alcoholic, and he smokes a ton of drugs all the time. Just, don't get intimidated by him. He's a nice guy, he just isn't healthy," He explained to me as he was driving.


Once we arrived in his driveway, he took the keys out, and opened his door.

"Are you coming or not?" He asked, as he opened the door for me. I got out, grabbing my bag, and smiling at him. We then walked to his doorstep. He unlocked the door and we stepped in.

"You can take your shoes off here," He told me, sitting on his stairs and untying his shoes and sliding them off. He threw them into a pile of shoes. I slid mine off after he did, and set them down next to my bag.

"Sammy? Is that you?" A female voice said, I'm guessing his mom.

"Is your nickname Sammy?" I asked. He nodded in response. We walked into the living room, and his mom was in the kitchen, cutting up some chicken.

"Hi honey, how was your day? And who is this?" His mom asked.

"My day was good, and this is Angela, she's one of my friends, she goes to my school,"

"Hi Angela! If I'm correct, Sammy has told me a lot about you,"

I raised my eyebrows as I gave him a weird look. "Oh he has?"

"Mom, stop talking," Sammy said, he sounded annoyed.

She nodded. "All nice things, don't worry,"

"Come on Angela!" He said, pulling me upstairs. Once we got into his room, he shut the door behind him.

"Uh, sorry about that, my mom is weird,"

I chuckled. "It's okay. But you've talked about me before?"

"Yeah, but it wasn't anything bad, like my mom said," He started looking through a stack of what I'm assuming are games.

"Okay," Him saying that it wasn't anything bad made me really want to know what he said. Maybe I'll get it out of him somehow.


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