To Be In Love

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Rose and Ventane walked together for a long time in silence. No one continued after them. It seemed as though the entire Palace had given up. As though they knew that Ventane had won against the King.

Ventane did not release Rose's hand as they emerged from the mists, and stood on solid cold ground. Rose looked at Ventane as his hand slipped from hers. She reached to stop it, but she was stopped by a familiar voice calling her name.

"Rose! Ventane!" it was Tilly! Standing on the very edge to the woods, she waved her hand franticly. There were budded flowers and ribbons tied in her wild hair. In her other arm was Tilly. It wriggled franticly, as though to try and make Rose notice her as well.

Ventane looked at Rose gently. Rose looked up at him. She grabbed his arm. "No!" she said suddenly.

He touched her face, "I'm sorry, Lady Rose, it must be this way." he smiled gently, "I do not belong in the mortal world, just as you do not belong here."

Rain fell upon them from the heavens.

"But.. Ventane.." Rose touched his hand, "But what about when the King wakes?"

Ventane leaned forward, and kissed her forehead, "Do not fear for me, Lady Rose. I will be safe, as will you. I promise."

Rose shook her head, "No! I don't want to be without you, Ventane." she said. Her voice cracked, "I love you, Ventane... You said you love me too. Can't you come with me?" she grabbed his arms, "Please... Please Ventane.." she pleaded. The rain touched her face where the tears fell, making them dissapear.

He looked down at her. For the first time since they met in the Grand Hall before His Highness, Rose saw something strange in those eyes. They were still emerald, and shinning, but now.. Now they were shinning from unshed tears.

Rose looked up at him, her mouth open, ready to speak again, but her voice caught in her throat.

All she could manage was a soft squeak.

Ventane touched her arms with his fingertips. She released him. He led her to the edge of the woods.

"Speak with me, Rose." he said gently, as he stepped onto a stone. She stepped onto the stone with him. Looking down, she noticed a burnt symbol on the top of the stone. The same one that he had used before, when they had run across the Dragon.

"No.." she whimpered. She knew she would have to. She didn't have a choice.

Ventane began to speak on his own. Rose reached out, clutching him. He touched her head.

‘Relax, Rose. I promise, this will be over soon.’ He thought sadly.

She found herself speaking with him. 'No! NO!' she thought, screaming in her mind, 'Please.. no..' she mentally pleaded, as her voice worked against her.

Somewhere, she could hear Tilly's voice as well. There was a sudden warm light about them. The Jewel that Ventane had given her glowed so bright that Rose had to shut her eyes.

'No..' she pleaded weakly, just one last time as the light engulfed the two of them.

Somewhere in the light, Rose could feel Ventane's hands on her. He was holding her close.

"Lady Rose..." he said softly.

"Ventane.." Rose opened her eyes. The two of them were standing in the middle of a golden light. There was nothing else about them but that wonderful warm light.

"I'm sorry, Lady Rose. I tried so hard to protect you.. but in the end, I injured you worse than His Highness ever could have." Ventane was.. he was..

"You're crying." Rose said, touching his cheek with her fingertips.

"Lady Rose.. I really do love you."  He spoke softly in her ear, leaning against her. "But I never wanted you to hurt the way you do now..."

Rose sobbed against him, "You don't have to leave me..." she said. She clutched his sweet smelling robes, trying to keep him close to her.

Ventane sighed sadly, breathing in her faint scent.

"Lady Rose, I cannot stay with you.. I would be breaking the laws that really do bind me to this place. Not His Highness' laws... nor the laws of mortals.."

"The laws that the Fifth race gave you?" Rose questioned.

Ventane did not reply. Rose knew this to be the truth.

"It hurts so badly."

"I know."

"I feel like my heart is being pulled from my chest.."

"I'm sorry, Lady Rose."

"I love you, Ventane."

"I love you, Rose."

Rose shut her eyes, even as she felt the Robes give under her hands. She cried out. "NO!" She screamed. Her voice was silenced by strong, warm lips pressing against her own.

She sank against him. Her laid her gently on the ground. Tilly was speaking somewhere.

Ventane was gone.

Rose fell against the grass on the other side of the woods, and sobbed.

"Ventane..." she cried softly.

Tilly wrapped her arms around the shivering girl. "Shh.. it's ok, Rose.."

'But it's not..' she thought bitterly. She let Tilly help her to her feet. The small ball of light that was the other Tilly clambered up on her shoulder as she walked home.

As they walked from the woods, Rose looked back through blurry eyes.

There were no signs of anyone.. No Ventane.. no Elven King.. nothing.

She looked back to Tilly, who was pale in the sunlight. Her wild hair blew from her shoulders in the wind.

"If you love him," the older girl said suddenly, "Then you'll keep living. Not all faerie tales have a happy ending, Rose.. but those that don't eventually receive better in the long run." She looked down at her with gentle gray-blue eyes. She didn't smile.

Rose looked at her. Did Tilly understand? Was it possible?

She sighed softly. 'no.' she thought, 'Nobody understands this... my heart.. hurts to badly.. is this what it's really like to be in love?'

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