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As they entered the hallway, Rose noticed that it seemed to be crowded full of people, but there still seemed to be plenty of room for she and Ventane to move about in. It was strange, though. The more she tried to focus on certain people, the more she had to question whether they were really there or not. It seemed like she couldn't quite see them.

Upon looking to Ventane for answers, she found herself blushing, and wordless. He looked down at her. Smiling that strange, secret smile that made Rose's knees tremble under her, he gestured to a great doorway. From within, Rose was able to hear laughter, music and what could have only been described as an angelic choir.

As the two of them entered the hall, Rose stood back and gasped! Laying with it's head leaning lazily against one of the tall archways from another hall Rose could see nothing of, was a dragon. At first, Rose thought it was a fake. She smiled to herself.

'Why, it has jewels encrusted on it's scales! It's not real at all!'

And then it lifted its head and looked right at her. Blinking, it took no further notice of her, and rested its head again as it had before. It breathed out, huffing a bit of silvery gray smoke from its nostrils, and frightening Rose's confidence that it was a fallacy, far, far away.

Sensing Rose’s trepidation, Ventane looked down at her. "That, Lady Rose, is Myril, Grand Wizard of the Dragons. Fear not, he's happily tame within the boundaries of His Highness's palace. He will riddle you, however." he said a bit more frankly than normal

"Riddle me? You mean.. ask me questions?" Rose asked, looking for clarification. She realized upon looking back at Ventane that he was dressed in much more handsome robes than he had been wearing prior to this engagement. His honey brown hair looked much more like polished bronze against his green and gold trappings.

"No.. I mean, he only speaks in riddles. Though, I warn you, you should be very careful as to the subjects that you speak with him about." Ventane said gently, "You might not like the replies you receive." He took her hand and gracefully replaced it over his own, leading her to their seats.

Rose sat beside him at a great table that wrapped around the room. Here, many people sat, cheering and laughing. They raised their glasses and chimed them together in a sort of personal joy that they shared among themselves, but not with Rose.

Suddenly, it seemed as though the room was growing smaller. Tiny, tiny pieces of the room began to blur together, until there were no details left. Rose looked around. The room was so tiny, there were so many people. Faeries, Elves, the dragon, why was she here? What was she doing? Her heart was racing. She was breathing rapidly.

The Magik of the Elven King had finally taken an effect on her that Ventane had been unable to prevent. This was part of the reason that he had hesitated bringing her here. And probably the entire reason that His Highness had insisted upon it.

Ventane glanced at Rose from the corner of his eye. "It's but an illusion, Lady Rose, breath deep." he encouraged gently. He didn’t dare appear as though he were concerned about her.

Rose placed her hands on the table. She took a deep breath. The room widened a little bit. She looked up from the table.

The dragon was staring at her again. It blinked its ruby glowing eyes at her. Slinking down the wall it made its way to her. It slithered against the floor, flowing its wings tightly against its body. Rose took no notice as it seemed to disappeared against the floor. She reached for the lovely warm bread that was in front of her. Taking a slice of the fragrant meal, she smiled meekly at Ventane and took a bite.

‘I’m sorry, Lady Rose.’ He thought.

Smiling at her, Ventane watched her carefully as she swallowed her first bite of the Palace food. For a moment, he looked smug, but he brightened a little bit as she smiled happily.

Rose's Faerie TaleWhere stories live. Discover now