You're some ugly

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Tilly looked up into the clouds. Her teacup rested against her knuckles lightly. Something was brewing his above them. Looking into the hills and forest, Tilly narrowed her eyes. She suddenly widened them in surprise.

“Oh! Rose!” she gasped, seeing her red-haired friend crest the hill that led towards the woods.


Rose! You came back!

It was her best friend, standing in front of her tiny hut. She was smiling, like she always did, holding a chipped teacup in her hand. There were flowers tucked up in her wild hair. Suddenly, she frowned, and dropped her teacup.


“Oh.. oh no..” Tilly whispered suddenly, “No.. No... Rose!” the teacup slipped from her fingers. Her heart broke as she realised what she was actually seeing. The red-haired form that had appeared to be her friend was transparent. The worldly energies around her were flailing and grasping for the tiny town.


The teacup shattered as it hit the blue flagstones under Tilly’s feet.

Rose blinked. "Tilly?" she murmured.

Rose.. You aren't supposed to be here.

Tilly took a step forward. Her wild looks had always seemed natural, but now they seemed exaggerated, much like most people saw them. She waived her arm dramatically. She had always had a flair for such things, but they had always seemed so natural coming from her. Now it seemed over-done and theatric.


“Rose, You have to leave. This isn’t where you are supposed to be! You must go back!” she waved her arms in front of her, trying to get her point across, “Please.. Rose, listen to me. You have to leave, and return to where you’re supposed to be!”

Her friends aparition looked at her confused, and opened her mouth as though to protest.


No! Rose, go back! This isn't home! Go back!

Tilly was screaming now. Her eyes were wild and now it seemed as though she had turned feral, like a cat left to the wild too long.

'She's right, Rose.. Come back to me.' came the male voice, 'This isn't real.Listen to me.. come back.'

Rose felt a sudden violent jerk on her arm. She looked at her hand, and opened it. Laying within her palm was a tiny green jewel. It glimmered in her hand, and glowed softly.

"Ventane..." she whispered. The village melted away, Tilly still standing on her stoop, watching her as she was pulled away.


Tilly felt her heart beating in her chest as she watched Rose’s figure fade away, and the energies drift back towards the woods. She stepped forward, clutching her skirts in her hand. Below her foot, the remaining bits of her favorite teacup crunched.

“oh God.. please.. Be careful, Rose.” She whispered.


Be careful, Rose.

'I will, Tilly.' she thought, clutching the jewel tightly, as everything became black again. The silver butterfly was gone. Now, above them, there was a sky made of only the finest clearest stars. They danced and moved above her.

Within the stars she could see a faint figure, waiving his hands gracefully, making the stars fall from the illusion. As they hit below, water splashed up. Rose could hear the ocean. From the water rose a perfect white orb.

Rose's Faerie TaleWhere stories live. Discover now