Chapter 2 - The Meeting

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Lots of familiar faces were waiting for me as I proceed to the throne. The officials of the five elemental brigades are there, standing at the front of the king. Our kingdom is composed of the five elements, the royal family has the exceptions though.

A guard announces my arrival, the officials along with the guests put their right hand on the left side of their chest and they all bow down to me. Dad and mom are standing, proudly looking at me with a smile on their face.

There were three familiar teens on the side of the room near the window. One of them is staring at me, smirking.

"So he did return huh?"
"Of course he will. He is the crown prince after all."

The two are talking of my presence while the other one is looking outside with a blank face.

"Silence! Lord Minci Zenomarc, the king of this kingdom will now start his Majesty's speech!"


"Greetings everyone! As you all know, its been ten years since we last saw the crown prince, and now for a long time, he finally returns! To become the guardian of the demon kingdom, and later on the king of Zenomarc. Together with the five elemental brigades, we will make a pact with the Gods of the Demon World to choose the Seven Heroes of our race! But, first of all, let's get the party started! Chef, bring in the meals!"

Dad. He has not changed at all, he's still a good leader. Always giving and understanding to his people.

I went to my dad and asked him when the ritual is going to be held. All that he replied is "Soon" with a laugh and joined the others leaving me by myself.

I saw the three from the window going to my direction as one of them waves with pride and yells "Hey Ry!" putting his hand on my head "You haven't changed a bit, just got taller huh?" as he laughs hard.

"At least I'm not as stubborn as you."
"What?! I'm not stubborn, right Luna?!"
"Hey cut it out Ace, Ryder just got home."
"Ah! Alright Red. Pfft~"

They are my childhood buddies, Ace Liteninger, Red Fyüne and Luna Tuvoska. But I wonder...why do I feel incomplete?

"Ry, how's life on the Scums' World?"

"Hmm? Well, its kinda peaceful I must say. Besides, I'm living on a different place there that is far from ordinary humans' knowledge."

"What do you mean?"

"There is a newly discovered island eighteen years ago. I got there eight years after, which makes the island to have settlements already. But those who live there are in a special class. They are all rich and noble people. But they are all friendly and such, and even though I don't remember anything about my royal life, I'm still treated as a rich youngster there, and though living with only the two of us there, I learnt how to live on my own without depending on someone else."

"Wait, who are you living with?"

"My cousin, Zera of Muzkovietch Land."

"You mean The Smartass Archer?!"

"Smartass Archer? Who the hell named her that?!"

"Hahaha! Rumors named her that!"

 As we talk, I didn't realized that its already evening. 

I don't know what happened to the Human World. All I know is that I haven't attended my first day of class! Oh man, such waste.

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