Chapter 3 - First Quest

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"Mn...Its morning already?"

*gets up*

The fact that I didn't attended my first day still irritates me until now. But what can I do about it? It's my father's will for me to stay here.



"What the hell's with you Ace?!"

Damn, he just banged into the door. He totally shocked me. But why is he looking so excited? What happened to him? Nah...

"Let's go to the Guild Hall now!"

"Wait, I need t--"

He suddenly grabs me then runs off...I feel like I'm flying...nope, just floating...yeah, floating. 

"Ace! I have to go to the bathroom first!"

We arrived at the front of the Guild Hall just outside the Castle's Gate. Ace talked to the tall man standing on the door. He's got to be Lucius Hemel...the fiercest fighter from the Wind Brigade...even in our young age, he can already beat the bandits at the outskirts of the town. He is no easy fighter to deal with. Beside him, on the stairs is Emma Dhulka. Looks like they just got back from a quest. Lucius tells me to train this day because he will take us on a quest tomorrow. He and Emma then leaves. Red and Luna were also there. He asks me if I want to take some quest now. Of course I wanted to but its going to be my first actual fight so I might just slow them down. But Ace says that no matter how hard the quest is, as long as we work together, we will accomplish it. Well that convinced me.

"Alright, but I need an equipment first of course."

"Right! Sorry, follow me to the Blacksmith's place. He has a wide variety of weapons based on an adventurer's Guild Rank."

"Guild Rank? But I'm unranked yet."

"Oh? Let me sign you up to the Guild then."

After signing me up in the Guild's Counter, I finally got my Guild Card. It says here that I'm a Rookie, the lowest rank for those who just signed up for the Guild. Next to it is a blank space. Red tells me that its for the owner's title, but since I don't have a title that is received from the guild yet, it's left blank. We headed to the Blacksmith and he showed us the weapons for the Rookie Rank. What interests me the most is the dagger on the dark corner of the room. I grabbed and attached it to my belt. I also grabbed a short sword. The Blacksmith said that he will charge it to my father's account until I get my own Zeno Market Card. This card is the proof that you're a member of the Zenomarc's Marketplace Access Association. It is used when you're buying an item without the use of coppers, silvers, nor golds. It has a fixed amount of money, just like a Credit Card in the Human World. But the currency in this card is called Zeno Cash. It is exclusive to those who are members of the ZMAA and is about 1 Gold for 100 Cash. It takes about 10,000 Coppers to get a single Gold, 100 for a Silver.

"Now that you have your weapons, lets get you some armours! I know an Armourer nearby. From the lightest to the heaviest of the armours, she have them all."

"Right...Red and Emma were always looking for armours in that shop. Probably because it is Red's sister who runs it that he is always there." Ace told me.

We got to the Armourer and she happily greeted us. Red told her that I need an armour. She asks me, "What type of fighter are you?"     "Type of Fighter? Hum..I want to be the agile type so that I could inflict damage to my enemies faster." She nods with a smile and shows me the lighter ones. I choose a grey-colored vest. She tells me that its free, a reward from her for I got my own Guild Card. Damn she's gorgeous...Red is lucky to have a sister like her. 

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