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Eun's POV

Brrr! It's cold,this world is full of surprises.

"Keep walking or you'll be left alone"-Nate. Uggh it's his fault why we are here... This place is creepy

"S-shut up i-idiot" I said stuttering because of fear

"Haha! That's okay you dont have to be afraid besides there are no ghost here"-Sachi. Also her she keeps on scaring me

"S-stop that"-Christopher

"Pfft! You sound gay Chris"-Nate

"He's right"-Sachi

"The four of you shut up"-Naira

"Ok" we answered

"Hmmm...what monsters do you think we could kill tonight?" I asked Nate and he smiled sweetly at me and--

"He-he your face is a good example" he said, I was about to punch him in the stomach when Naira did it for me *evil grin*

"Ouch! What was that for?!"-Nate. Wait where's Kevin? O.o

"Has anybody seen---"Sachi was cut off when someone spoke

"Looking for me Yeva?" Even if I wont look at him I know it's Kevin

"Don't be too full of yourself Yhul"-Sachi

"It's obvious though" I mumbled

"There they are"-Naira

"Arachnids huh?"-Christopher

"Perfect for making silk coats"-Sachi

"Eeww! Who would make coats out of their silk" I said

It's true who would make silk out of them don't you think it's disgusting?

Aside from heights I'm also afraid of spiders and most of all Arachnids

"Don't be fooled she's just teasing you"-Naira

"Let's get started then"-Kevin

"Glad you talked you're rather silent today. Is there a problem?"-Christopher

I bet Kevin's scared as well that's why he's silent. Hihihi another gay ^___^

"Im fine,dont mind me"-Kevin

"Tss! Chris when will you ever understand that he doesn't talk too much"-Nate

Christopher looked at him with a death glare

"So you're saying that Im slow on the uptake huh idiot?"-Christopher

That hit a nerve! Hahahaha! An idiot versus an idiot

"Though,Like they say birds with the same feathers flap together" I said

"So that means if he's an idiot your also an idiot cause your bestfriends right Naira?" I asked and she just nodded

"Good poin----AHHHHH!!!!"-Nate

Haha! He was wrapped by silk and got pulled away. Wait now that I think of it WAAAAA!!!!


"We must help him" I said and looked at Naira

"Nah! Leave him be" she answered coldly

Poor Nate. Well he deserves it though. Its payback time hihihi!


"HAHAHAHA!!!!" We laughed at him

Hahaha! Im enjoying this the Arachnid is throwing him up and down. When he reaches the floor his face is squish hahaha!!! Evil me

"Let's help him"-Naira

"What is this conscience?"-Sachi

"Want me to cut your throat? We cant let him die"-Kevin

"As if you care"-Sachi


"Let split by two me and Eun, Kevin and Sachi---"-Christopher

"I DONT WANNA BE WITH HIM/HER" Kevin and Sachi shouted

"Tsss! How bout you Naira?"-Christopher

"Im ok by myself"-Naira

When she said that she started attacking. Then we started moving as well

"Stay close" Christopher said and held my hand

 STUCK IN THE GAME ✓ (Me And My Bestfriends) Where stories live. Discover now