Le Chapter Three

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Everyone who rides the bus with you avoided you all day. They would look at you like you were some kind of demon. What's they're problem? You thought to yourself, completely oblivious to what happened that morning.
It was finally time to go home. You rushes to the bus, not wanting to run into Jayce or anyone for that matter. You was the first one on the bus that day. You put your headphones in and watched as people trickled into the bus. No one sat next to you, nothing new there. But there was no one within 5 feet of you. That's odd. Why would they avoid me? The one who they should be avoiding is Jayce! He's the one who slapped me across the face...
When you got home, you went into your room to play Minecraft on your laptop until Herobrine arrived like he said he would. Your parents didn't get home until late at night, so you didn't have to worry about them hearing you and Herobrine talking.
When you walked into your room, you expected it to be empty, but it wasn't. Herobrine was laying on your bed asleep. You quietly walked up to him. He was facing towards you laying on his side, you knelled down next to him. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps. You thought to yourself as you stoked his face softly. Gosh, I could kiss him right now. If only, if only.
Suddenly, his eyelids snapped open to show his glowing white eyes.
"Hey~" he says flirtatiously. Your hand freezes on his cheek, your faces barely an inch apart.
"So, you want to kiss me?" He asks smirking. You blushed realizing he heard your thoughts. You pull your hand down and look away, but he gently pulled your face to make you look at him. You blushed even more. I probably look like a tomato. You think.
"You look cute when you blush.". He says looking into your eyes. You smiled back at him for a second.
He gets up from the bed and holds his hand out to help you up. You took it and stood up, but he didn't let got of your hand. He pulled you close and wrapped his free hand around your waist. You felt heat rise to your face as he presses his body to yours.
"Wanna see something cool?" He asks before winking.
"Okay." You giggle lightly. He pulls you to your laptop and opens it. Herobrine then clicks on Minecraft and steps inside your computer. Your eyes widen at the sight. He sticks his head out.
"You coming?" He says as he grabs your hand and pulls you into the laptop. Everything fades to black and you feel dizzy.

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