Le Chapter Eight

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A/N: Go reread the last chapter if you haven't already cuz I changed a few important things

Recap: You got about halfway, and realized it started getting too steep. You decided to turn back, but when you did, you weren't able to get back up to where Herobrine was. You took one step, and the rock you stepped on, slipped, and you fell...

As you fall down the cliff, you can feel your body being cut up and scraped, but soon you feel nothing. And before you know it, you're being carried back to the castle.

Herobrine set you on the couch and you could tell he was angry.

"This is why I didn't want you to go outside!" He says as he snaps his fingers. Instantly, a skeleton servant enters the room and starts to tend to your wounds.

"You can't blame me! I'm in new territory, I have to explore," You reply.

"Whatever, you're not going outside again,"

"What? You can't do that!"

"I just did. You are not to leave this castle again,"

"That's ridiculous!"

"What's ridiculous is you thinking you can just walk down steep hills willy nilly,"

"You're not even making any sense!"

"I don't care, Y/N! The point is you are not t leave this castle without my permission again!" He them stormed out of the room.

"Jeez," You whispered under your breath.

"He just wants to keep you safe, Y/N," The servant says.

"But does he have to be a dick about it?"

"He just has a short temper, but he mean well." You sigh. The servant finishes bandaging your cuts. "Just go talk to him, he's probably in the library,"

You thank the servant before you exit the room and heading to the library. After nearly an hour of wandering around, trying to find the library, you find it. You look inside, seeing Hero reading angrily under a single lamp. You slowly open the door and step inside.

"What do you want?" He asks as you enter.

"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for leaving without telling you,"

"It's okay. I'm sorry for yelling. But I still would prefer that you would take me, or one of the servants, with you if you want to leave the castle, okay?"

"Yeah, I understand," You say. You approach Hero closer. "What'cha reading?"

"Just some stuff about potions, nothing special,"

"Cool beans," As you say this, a smile grows on Hero's face. Seeing him smile, made you do the same.

"Well, I'm gonna go back to my room, s if you need me, that's where I'll be," You say as you start to exit the library.

"Wait." You stop and turn around.


"Come sit with me," He says. A small smile creeps on your lips as you walk back to Hero, sitting on his lap. He puts his arm around you so he can still read his book. You rest your head on his chest, your head moving with his rhythmic breathing, lulling you to sleep.

Herobrine's P.O.V.

I look down at her, cuddled up in my arms.  I see she had a slight smile on her lips, those perfect lips.  I found myself smiling, a real smile.  And that's when I realized... I loved her.

A/N: HUZZAH! Well would ya look at that, a new chapter! Wow, that really makes up for an entire year of no updates. Haha, anyway hope y'all enjoyed

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