Le Chapter Four

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You woke up to be met with a queen-sized bed. It had two pillows and a red blanket, much like the ones in Minecraft. You sat up and looked around the room confused. ...the hell...? You question in your head. You swung your feet over the edge and stood up. You walked to the door you assumed to lead to the bathroom, but was a closet. You felt really cold and looked down to see that all you were wearing was an oversized teal T-shirt, much like Herobrine's. How-where-what? How did I get in this shirt. You hear loud breathing coming from behind you. wait a minute... Yu turn around and a shirtless Herobrine is sitting in a chair in the corner of your room. How you didn't see him was beyond you. I'm wearing his shirt, but how did I get in it? Oh... You realized he must've undressed you while you were asleep. You blushed deeply and smiled covering your face. Oh my!
You slowly walked over to him. You reached to wake him up, but his eyes shoot open. You jumped backwards. "Oh shizz." You said as you jumped back. He opened his eyes slowly and once he saw you he smiled brightly. "Hey~" he says standing up. You couldn't help but stare at his toned chest. Wow... You thought. "You like what you see?" Herobrine asks smirking at you. You snap out of your gaze and look up at him blushing as red as a fire truck. He winked at you before walking over to your closet. Suddenly, a question popped on your head. "How long have I been asleep?" You ask. "A few days." Herobrine answers nonchalantly. "What?" You nearly shout. "I need to get back home, my parents will kill me." You start run to the exit, only to be stopped by Herobrine grabbing your wrist. "(Y/n), you're in Minecraft, the only way out is for me to take you." He says calmly like it's no big deal. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'M IN MINECRAFT?!?!" You shout spinning around quickly. "I took you through a portal. Dur."
"When do I go back!?!?"
"I don't know, whenever."
"Well, I wanna go home now!"
"But, you just got here. You have to stay now."
"Ugh, fine. Where's the food?"
"I'll show you." Herobrine says as he grabs your hand into his large one. He opens the door and drags you down the hallway. After a few minutes, you two arrive at the kitchen. Yay, I'm starving. You say in your head. You walk over to the fridge and open it. Hmm... Steak, chicken, milk, eggs..... Cheesecake! You immediately grab the box of cheesecake and get a slice.
"Are you sure you should be eating that for breakfast?" Herobrine asks getting some steak.
"I don't give a shizz if it's 3 in the morning or 3 in the afternoon, I'ma eat this cheesecake." You say with a lot of sass in your voice. You finish it off with snapping a Z in the air. (Lolz, I do this all the time.).
"Whatever." Herobrine says taking a bite of steak and sitting at the huge dining table with you. (Don't question where he got the steak from.)

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