Le Chapter Eighteen

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The doors fling open as Steve waltzes into the castle.

"Oh, I'm more than just a human, Herobrine.  I'm a god!"  He shouts. 

"That's ridiculous, Steve,"

"You're ridiculous!" 

"You never did get along with words, did you?"

"That doesn't matter, what matters is that I am going to be taking this world and the real one over, today,"

 "Okay, Steve,"  Hero says sarcastically.  Steve growls and pulls out a pink splash  potion.  Hero's calm demeanor suddenly shifts, although he tries to hide it.  "Is that what I think it is?"

"Hell yeah it is,"  Steve throws the potion at Hero, but he dodges, jumping towards you, knocking you over.  You look to where the potion had landed, seeing it eat away at the material that it landed on, like acid. 

"Oh, shit,"  Hero says, "Y/N, go, run to the basement.  Pull the book with pink writing.  Hide there,"  Hero whispers quickly to you as you two stand up.

"What?"  You ask.

"Just go!"  Hero shouts, pushing you away.  You run as fast as you can towards the basement.  You hear shouts and explosions coming from the throne room.  You keep going, finding the door to the basement easily.  You throw open the door, rushing down the stair case.  In the room, you looking around for a book with pink writing like Hero said.  You find one pretty easily and pull on it.  Just as you do, a secret passageway opens up.  You run in, closing it behind you.

You enter a room you hadn't been in ever before.  The room looked like it was a safe room.  There was a bed, a few chests, a furnace, and a crafting table.  There also seemed to be an exit in one corner.  You stayed in there for awhile, listening to the explosions upstairs.  They suddenly stopped as you hear Hero scream, followed by low rumbling.  You gas, thinking he's been hurt.  You feel a tear slide down your cheek.

The door to the safe room opens suddenly and you gasp, jerking your head to the right to see who had entered.  It was Hero.

"Hero!  Are you okay?"  You ask as you run to him.

"No, Y/N, I need your help,"

"With what?"

"Y/N, there's no way to defeat him... other than with a Backerswide,"

"But we don't have any of those,"

"We could make one,"

"We don't have any Amorium,"

"That's where you come in,"

"No!  No, there has to be another way, I'm not letting you extract whatever dumb chemical this is that supposedly flowing through my body.  No, you're going to have to find another thing,"

"Y/N, there is no other way,

"There has to be,"

"There's not, just let me extract the chemical.  It won't hurt, it'll be quick, I swear,"


"Y/N, look, he's going to destroy this world.  He's going to kill both of us.  Then when he's done with that, he's going to move on to the real world.  Everyone you ever loved will be killed.  Is that want you want?"


"Then let me use your Amorium,"


"Thank you.  It'll be really quick.  It won't even hurt,"  Hero says. 

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