Le Chapter Five

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You finished your cheesecake quickly. You hadn't realized how hungry you were until then. Herobrine just stared as you ate another piece. You noticed but thought he was looking behind you, after a few seconds you realized he was looking directly at you. You put your hands up in the air around your neck and look at him.

"What?!?!" You snap.
"Nothing." He blinks and looks away, blushing. You narrow your eyes at him for a second then just go back to eating. What was that about?
You eat the rest of your second piece of cheesecake and go to put your plate in the sink.
"Do you want a tour?" Herobrine suddenly asks you while you are rinsing your plate. You jump at how close he sounded behind you. You turn around and he is right behind you looking down at you, smirking. You blush and look down.
"S-sure." You smile slightly and he grabs your hand. You blush more and he takes you to the hallway entrance.

<time skip cuz I'm lazy>
After nearly and hour of corridors and doors(that sounded weird), you two were finally back at the kitchen.
"And, there you have it, that's my mansion!" Herobrine say throwing his hands in the air. You, however, was out of breath.
"Yeah, *pant* it was g-great *pant*"
You bent over and stretched out your body. Herobrine just kind of looked at you confused.
"I'm going to go into the living room." You say walking towards the doorway that connects the kitchen and living room. You sit on the middle cushion of a red couch and hold your head in your hands with your elbows on your knees. Thoughts and questions flew through your head. How are my parents? Do they think I'm dead? Does anyone know I'm missing? I want more cheesecake.
Your thoughts were interrupted when you felt the right side of the couch sink as if someone was sitting there. Gravity took over and you leaned into the person who sat down (if you don't know that its Herobrine, I don't know what to tell you.)
Herobrine put his arm around you. You blush heavily.
"Hey, babe~". You blush even more at his "nickname" and try to get up, but his strong arms hold you still. After a few moments you give up and are basically forced to cuddle with him.
"Hero?" You pipe up.
"Yes, (Y/N)?" Hero says looking down at you.
"Do you know how everyone is doing at my home?"
"Well, you see, when I bring a human into Minecraft, its kind of like Narnia, where time stops basically, and nothing in Minecraft ages, including you."
"Oh, so if I went back now, they wouldn't even know I was ever gone?"
"Exactly." Herobine looks back up. You fall silent after that. You started to enjoy the position you were in with Herobrine. Suddenly, a question pops in your head.

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