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"yo whats your problem? and why did you touch me with your freaking hands? let me give you first warning if you dare touch me with those hand again whatever happens isn't my fault understood?"

All the students gathered where we  were watching the scene,"hey dont be over reacted i just wanted to say hi since we are in the same physics class and wanted you to help me with the assignment that we were given, but now am sorry for touching without your permission and if you allow me excuse me and thanks for the prior help of the assignments" i stood there watching haikal making his way through the crowds of the students. " what an attitude haikal!! and dont think you will scare with that attitude.


" Physics class how may i help you" The teacher answered the phone  after it rang twice " Yes she is here, ok i i will send her down with her stuff" she hung up the phone and stood there for what seems like five seconds and gave out heavy sigh and then she picked up a note then wrote something on it and then  came up to me  and sat next to me,i was puzzle didn't know what to do so i turned to her  then she gave me the note that she wrote " go to the front desk your dad is here to pick you up" i kind felt  that something has gone wrong at home, i nodded and then packed  my back and left the class immediately.

I literally went to the front desk and found my dad with a sad face, i was puzzle but then when he saw he smirk and embrace with  a tight " i love you my  beautiful daughter  come on lets go home" i was still confused of what is going on because my dad's word was mixed with nervousness, without protesting i followed him to the car and we left school.

Throughout the car ride it was silent no one talked to each other and i didn't mind,then all of a sudden dad broke the silent "We aren't going home we are going somewhere else so be patient sweetheart" i nodded. Later on dad parked the car in front of huge building which looks like hospital " dad what are we doing here, i mean who are we visiting in the hospital?" " don't worry please follow me and you will know everything"  all these time i had this kind of feeling that there was something extremely wrong but why didn't dad telling me anything?.

We step out of the car and went inside the hospital, we literally went to the lady at the front desk and dad talked to her ,after  a while, they finished talking  then she directed us to a room, i followed my dad we got into a room where a person is covered from head to toe with a blue bed sheet. My dad went closer to the person and started crying i was shocked to the reason why dad is crying i have never seen him crying before except the day my grandmother died.

" She was the only person who always stood beside me, who always i shared my feelings with, but now i can't share my feeling with no one else because my only and one one has now left me" " dad who is this you are talking about please tell me dad i want to know" tears were at the verge of my eyes as i demanded dad to tell me who he is crying for,or laying on the bed. He raised his eyebrows and said "she is....... she is......." while sobbing.


find out what happens next, i know its sad this chapter but don't worry the next chapter be more sad  than you expect to be be patient!!!!!!!.

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