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My three older brother and sisters came to the funeral, first t was a dream for them  till they saw the mom's body covered with a shroud.They couldn't believe what they saw with their own eyes. Momentarily we headed to the mosque to pray for body of my mom.it was very sad when people are coming to you with a condolence,i couldn't bear all the things that is happening around so right after we prayed on the deceased i went to my dad's car and occupy the passenger seat at the back.

I didn't realize when i fallen sleep. i woke up with dad's voice talking to my older brother Kasim. Iam sorry idid not introduce to you my older brother kasim[25] and the twin sisters Anoosh and Anoosha [20]. Kasim has a family in London he has two children a boy a and a girl Sabaha and Abubakar, While Anoosh and Anoosha live in Ohio studying at  University, this is their final year of studying social work at the university.

" Samrina are you okay do you need anything?" My brother asked me with full of concern he is the  best brother ever whenever he and his family come to visit us he brings me Gifts and  he take me out and we  enjoy the whole day together, he was so close to me than Anoosh and Anoosha. He was like a friend to me and at the same time a brother. " No am good i dont need anything at the moment".  i responded  " Fine, don't hesitate to ask me anything i am there for you my chick"  i giggled because ever since i was young he used to call me "chick" but i never protested or said anything about it.

The day went so fast all my family were there  except one person who always made us smile, the sun which brightens the house, 'Mom'. it was sad at the same time happy. Dad,Anoosha and Anoosha were really tired so they slept right after Isha [ nigh prayer]. Since i woke up 2 hours ago i decided to go with my brother out and have a fresh air. " we took my dad's car and left, there was an awkward silence for 15 minutes but my brother broke the silence by asking what i want to do or how i would live when is here since i did not respond he didn't insist to ask again and he ask me a another question  " Do you want to come and live with me in London with my family and complete your education there"  I was Happy  the fact that he want me to go with him but sad at the same time because i would be leaving dad and the country i was born,the country i met all my friends. " well.... what about dad?" " don't worry about dad he can live i already talked to him and he said its okay i can take you with me and all i need is your approval so what do you think?" iwas in a state of dillemma.

" Give me till tomorrow iwill give you feed back" Without protesting he nodded.I look at the watch it was almost 12am and we are'nt near home so i askesd my brother where we going " just be patient you will know" iwas suspicious of where we were  heading. "okay" the good thing i was not sleepy but never used to be out of house at this time of hour. After 15 min of laughing and jokes my brother parked the car at a big building i was confused because i never been to this place before. He exited the car and sarrounded the car and opened for me the door. " Special sister come out"  " thanks special brother" . We entered the gigantic building following my brother's path to our destination.

My brother entered a shop i followed him then he stood at the front desk and talked to a a tall light skined guy, i was not able what they talked about but their voice was very low to the place i was standing at. The guy nodded after the wisper and left then after a minute he come with a small wwhite box in his hand. I was still confused whats going what that might be so my brother bid the guy and we left the 'weird place'. We entered the car and went back home so before we enterd we parked the car outside the car and there was a silence no one exitted yet. " Chick i have something for you" i turned and looked at him in the eye " mmmmh what is it?".......

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