"Pleasewelcome the graduating class of 2009!"said the headmaster of the Art department. Your whole class threwtheir hats in the air. Cheers from the now graduated class and theirfamilies filled the air. You tightly hug Lauren who was beside youwith a huge grin on your face. It was official. You were a theateractress. Finally. All those years of struggles and tears. To finallyhold in your hand a piece of paper that will change your lifeforever. No more classes. No more homework. Now, you will play. It'stime to work your ass off towards what you have always dreamed of:being an actress, being a dancer, to perform. "I'mso proud of you!"Darren's mom screamed as she hugged her son tightly. "Thanksmom"he says with a huge grin. "Sweetie,would you mind taking a picture?"Cerina asks you as she pulled away from Darren. "Sure"you say with a smile. You took the picture and Darren put back on hisclown nose and pink sunglasses. You smile and shake your head as yougive the camera back to Cerina. That guy will be the death of you.The campus was full of students in dark gowns, full of families andjoy. "Youok, Y/N?"Joe asked as he puts a hand on your shoulder. "Ya,I'm good. I just wish my family was here"you sigh. "Well,never say never, right?"you heard behind you. You turn around and smile at the familiarvoice. Your father. Looking past him, you see a young man behind him.Even if he changed a lot in the last year, he still had the sameface. Your brother. He looked at you and smiled before running intoyour arms. Was this real? Or a dream? If it was, your brain was beingcruel. "I'mso sorry Y/N"he said into your shoulder. His arms were holding you as closely aspossible. "It'sok. It's ok"you repeat as you run your hand up and down his back. He pulled youback and he had tears in his eyes, just like you. Your father huggedyou too and told you how proud he was of you. Your brother told youhe found your note in a drawer a month ago and that he didn't daretalk to you since. He was ashamed of the reaction and decided to seeyou today. You couldn't blame him. Of course you forgave him. Youcouldn't be happier. As you were talking to your family, you sawDarren hanging around with his glasses and clown nose, posinggoofingly for each picture. You grin and shake your head. Noweverything was perfect. "Y/N!We're doing a group picture! You coming?"Dylan shouted. "Sure!"you shout back. "Sorryguys. I have to go. See you later. I love you!"you say as you run to meet your friends. "Darren,leave the goofiness for other pictures!"Julia jokes. "You'reno fun!"Darren says as he takes his accessories off. You stood next to Darrenand took a serious picture. "Ok!Goofy!"Lauren shouted. You kissed Darren's cheek and lifted one of your legswhile he placed his hand on your waist and had a big grin on hisface. "Ok!Last one! Starkid smile!"Darren shouts. "Cheese!"Chuck said behind the camera. You all smile ear to ear as you heardthe flash.
"We said no more crying!" Brian says to Lauren. He rubbed his own eyes not to cry again. "I've never promised anything!" Lauren screamed back as she giggled, doing her best to dry her tears. You and all the Starkids were sitting on the stage of the UofM's theater. Everyone was a mess at this point. In the circle you made, a lot of pictures were strewed on the floor. Some you have never seen before. Everyone was telling stories that went with them, reminiscing all the tears and laughs. "Remember when we almost got sued by Warner Brothers because of the Harry Potter musical?" jokes Darren. "Remember when the video went viral and we earned thousands of fans?" Nick adds. We all cheer. The last few months have been crazier than ever. You look at the picture you took with all the Starkids at their first fitting for AVPM. "I love that one" you say as you take it. "Can I do a really cheesy speech?" you say with pleading eyes. Everyone laughs and agrees. Some put their heads in their hands like kids and you giggle to try not to cry. You took a deep breath and look around you, like you did the first day in that classroom. But everything seemed different now. You didn't feel lonely anymore. You were more self-confident. You had friends and an amazing boyfriend. At the thought, you try your best to hold back your tears. But when you spoke, your voice cracked. "I just wanted to thank you. I came here broken. Without any family, any home or hopes for the future. I never thought that when I stepped into that classroom, my life would change forever". Tears were running slowly down your cheeks but they were not the same as the ones you felt in the dance studio or the ones you felt during a sad movie. A few people were crying too and others had teary eyes. "You guys are my home. I learned so much in these months than in my whole life. I love you guys so much. Every one of you. And even when we leave, even if we have to leave everything behind, I know we will always have each other. Now I know I don't have to walk alone. Thank you for that" you add. For a few seconds, the room was filled with cries and sniffs. Then, Joe and Darren jumped on you to hug you and when you lie on the stage, everyone went on top of you and cheered. "Guys!" you laugh and cry at the same time. Everyone laughed and kept goofing around before deciding to leave the theater. Darren was about to leave as well when he saw you standing on the stage alone.
"You coming sweetie?" he asks from the doorframe. "Yeah" you breath out. "Give me a minute". You look around the theater, the stage you performed on, the seats where you used to watch your friends. Darren walked to you and you couldn't hold it back anymore. You pull him in for a big hug, your arms around his neck and your head buried in his shoulder. "I don't wanna go!" you sob into his shoulder. You felt his hands on your back, holding you tightly. Like he would never let you go. He didn't say a word and you knew it was because he was crying. You pulled back slowly and Darren took your hands in his. The feeling of his skin against yours reminded you of the first time he took your hand after your first acting class. His eyes were full of tears. "I don't want to go either. But I promise you this..." he says as he looks around the theater quickly before his eyes found yours again. "...this, this is just our beginning" he asserts. You nod and lean on him shyly to deliver a sweet kiss on his lips. With your hands intertwined, you both leave the theater. You turn off the light and say "Thanks Michigan. It has been totally awesome".