The Arcade Games

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Youwere still in your room watching the Harry Potter marathon witheveryone on your bed. You heard a knock at the front door and Dylanwent to open it "Dude,what the heck?"you heard him screaming at the door. You paused the movie andeveryone went down the hall to see what was going on. When you sawDarren, you couldn't believe your eyes. His left cheek was very red,a bruise were surely going to pop. He was holding his right rib andhe had like a cut on his lips. You looked at him with wide eyes asyou heard gasps and insults for him behind you. He walked pasteveryone saying "I'mfine guys, it's okay. I went to see Ryan and well...".When he was about to walk past you, you took his hand and dragged himinto the bathroom, closing the door behind you. "Whatdid you do?"you whisper loudly to him. "Ijust went to see him, he didn't have to treat you like shit"he explains with the same tone. You looked away. You didn't reallyknow how to react: being angry because of violence were not going tofix anything here or being thankful because at least Ryan got what hedeserved? "Whyare we whispering by the way?"Darren asked. You chuckle and look at him. He was a mess. "Theymust think I'm scolding you so..."you say with a smirk. Maybe being angry at him was not the solution.Plus, you really didn't want to be angry at him. Darren chuckled andyou say loudly "You'rean fucking idiot Darren! What did you think, uh?".You couldn't help but to smile, trying desperately not to laugh."Thisguy deserved it!"Darren screamed back with a smirk. "Comeon, I'm gonna help you with this"you say normally as you drag him to the bathtub and make him sit onthe edge. "Violencedoes not help anything!"you scream. You took a wash cloth and disinfectant from one of thedrawers and went back at him. He had an amused smile on his face."Tellme..."you whisper as you stand between his opened legs. "Didhe cry?"you smile. Darren chuckles silently and answer "Likea fucking baby"he whispers back. You showed a satisfied smile and put somedisinfectant on a cotton ball before slowly tapping it against hisinjured lip. He clenched from the pain and you kept yelling scoldingsentences so the guys will think you were arguing. "Takeoff your shirt"you say as you took another cotton ball. He did it and you couldn'thelp but stare. He wasn't super fit and god he didn't have to. He wasalready hot as hell. It made you forget you actually wanted to helphim with his injuries. Darren smiled shyly and you looked away. Hehad a big bruise on his right rib. Ryan did not missed him on that.Darren stood up and looked at you in the eyes. "Whydid you do that?"you ask quietly looking back at him. "Ijust can't stand the idea of someone hurting you"he whispers. You two were just a few inches apart. Your gaze went tohis lips, now bloodfree and they looked more delicious than ever. Yousaw him leaning on you. Finally, you thought. You were finally goingto taste his lips again after four months. But before your lipstouched yours, the door swung open and Joey walked in. "Man,you kicked Ryan's ass?"he asked loudly. You both pulled away quickly. Darren grabbed hisshirt and put it back on as he answers "Uhm,yeah".Darren left the room quickly and Joey stood there with frown. "DidI interrupt something?"he asks. "No,no, we were done"you say as you force a smile. You walked past him and sigh. 2days before the opening night of Harry Potter The Musical, you andthe guys were rehearsing like crazy. You needed a name to introduceyour "band" and you found it: Starkid. You were nowStarkids. You liked that name, and who know, maybe this name willlast. "Sowe're gonna do the whole show once with everything: costumes, make upand no scripts. Y/n is here to help you with any kind of make up oraccessories so go! We start in half an hour"Nick explains. Everyone walked back to the dressing room and andstarted to get ready to do the show for the directors. You putfoundation on a few boys and did the make up of Wox. Only Darren, Joeand you were in the dressing room now. Joe was shirtless while youput some white make-up on his back. Darren was sitting right next toyou, his arms crossed. Joe glanced at him and chuckled at his face."Jealous,Criss?"he jokes. Darren gave him a dark look as you ask "Whywould he be jealous?"a little confused. "UhmI..."Darren started to say before Joe cut him off. "He'sjealous because I have more abs than him"he says. You frown and smile. How ridiculous. "It'snot because he has less abs than you that he's less hot"you explain. Fuck. Joe chuckled as Darren looked back, but you couldsee he was smiling. You screwed up, awesome. You stayed silent whileyou finished Joe's make-up and did Darren's. You hold his curls whileyou did the scar on his forehead. He broke the silence by saying"So...youthink I'm hot?".He smirked and you answered "Oh,shut up"between giggles. The silence came back as you tried to focus on thelightning scar. "Iunderstand. I'm a very hot person. I totally get you on that"he says very seriously. You chuckle and add "Darren,you're ruining it".He giggled as you finish. "Ok.We're good. You can go"you say. He stood up and took his glasses on the counter. "Thanks"he says before walking away. You looked at him, but he stopped beforehe past the door, like if he was forgetting something. He came backto you and whispers in your ear "Ohand by the way, you're kind of hot too".You felt your cheeks getting red as he left, winking at you. Youthought that you loved Ryan, but you did not. You barely liked him,you guessed that's why it didn't made you super sad when he broke upwith you. It was more your dignity and pride that was hurt than yourheart. But Darren, you really did like him, since the beginning. Andthese last few weeks, you felt something more, and it kind of freakedyou out. How could you fall in love with someone you kissed once?That's absurd. You watched the show next to Brian and it was awesome.Of course, there were a few mess up but the improvisation made theshow even more hilarious. Youwere now at home, on the couch with everyone except Darren. He wasstill in the shower, you think. "Whatare we watching tonight?"Dylan asked. "Mulan!"Joey screamed. "HighSchool Musical!"Jaime shouted. "No!BATMAN!"Joe adds. "Seewhat you want guys, but y/n and I will pass on that tonight"you heard Darren saying from behind. You turn around, ready to answerbut when you saw him you forgot every kind of words. He was wearingjust jeans and a simple shirt, but he was gorgeous. His curls werewet and a few drops of water fell on his neck. You were staring atthis point. "Whynot?"Brian asked. "We'regoing on a date tonight"Darren said proudly. That sentence took you back to the real world."Arewe?"you ask with a smile. "Yes,come on, we gotta go"he adds. You grin fondly and quickly put some shoes and took a coatbefore you two headed to Darren's car. He drove you to a place youdidn't know. You were really excited. Your first real date. YAS!

Heparked in front of a huge building with lights saying "ArcadeGames". You smiled and looked at him. He seemed all proud ofhimself "Ithought about taking you on a serious date...but then I rememberedwe're not serious people".You giggled and highed five him. "Bestdate ever"you exclaim. You and Darren headed inside and spent hours playing allthe games and laughing out loud. It was by far the best date you'veever had. You two went for a walk after, just talking abouteverything and holding hands like shy teenagers. It started to rainand by the time you run back to the car, you both were soaked withwater. You quickly came back home, you started to get cold. The factthat you wet from head to toe did not help. Darren drags you to theporch and searches for his keys in his pockets. "Fuck,we're so wet. Let's see what we can do about it"He says as he finally finds his keys. You chuckled as you saw himblushing. It sounded bad, you both noticed. You did your best not tolaugh again. "NoI mean uhm, our clothes are wet so we need to take them off"he said nervously. It sounded even worse. You bit your lip not tolaugh, it was not easy. "Wait.No. We have to change our clothes, not to take them off. I mean, yes.But uhm, not in here, not in front of each other, we just...damn it"he rambled as he tried to open the door. This time, you couldn't helpbut to giggle. He blushes even harder and avoids your glance as hegave up on opening the door. He sighed and knocks on the door. "Iget it, that's okay"you smirk. "PlusI have to say you're very cute when you blush"you add. He turns to you and chuckled. He was still avoiding yourglance but you stepped closer to him. You smile looking at him and hesmiles back. He put a hand on your waist and pull you closer to him.You felt your two wet shirts against each other as he put a hand onyour neck. Smiles never left your lips as you started to lean on eachother. You thought nothing could ever spoil that moment when youheard the front door being opened and Meredith's excited voice say"Guys!How was your date?".Darren pulled away and groaned with a sigh. He turned around and puta fake smile in his face. "Itwas awesome"he says before walking past her. Even if you did not react likeDarren, you were pissed too. You were to close to have his lipsagain. Damn it.

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