First date

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Y/N's pov

I was arguing with my best friend (y/bff/n) in our apartment because I knew she took my black dress and I hate when she takes my thing without telling me."I know you took it now give it back!"i yelled glaring at her."Fine jeez." She said rolling her eyes. "Thank you." I said sighing and hearing my phone buzz. Who's that?" My friend said taking my dress back into my room."Oh it's. ." I said checking my phone seeing a text from taylor.

'Hey y/n it's taylor I was wondering if you wanted to go out today?' I read smiling to myself and texting back yes.

"Ooh swifty's in love with youuu!!" My friend said laying on the couch. "Oh shut up " I said blushing and going to my room and getting dressed. I was so nervous hopefully I don't make myself look stupid..

-10 minutes later-

"Y/N!! Taylor's here!!" I heard my friend call out. I finished curling my hair and walked out and saw taylor looking around in a cream white skirt and light blue top her short blond hair was wavy and of course she had her red lipstick on.

"Im ready" I said smiling eyeing taylor a little and looking around. " look beautiful." She said in shock smiling. "So do you."I said smiling and grabbing my hand purse and phone.

"Ill see you later"my friend called out as we walked out and down the stairs to the parking lot.

-30 minutes later-

Me and taylor were laughing and walking around a secret place in central park eating our frozen yogurt.

"So how did you find this place?" I said eating a gummy bear and walking.

"Well.." she said finishing the frozen yogurt she had in her mouth,"i was walking and i got tired of paparazzi always following me and bugging me and one day I went jogging and I looked into this large hedge and went through a little opening when no one was around and i found this." She said smiling and looking around.

"Well its peaceful and beautiful." I said smiling and looking around.

"But not as beautiful as the girl im on a date with."taylor said smiling and blushing a little as we threw our cups in a trash can.

"Flirty much?" i said laughing a little as we left carefully and walked back to the car.

"Rarely "taylor said laughing and walking with me to the car.

"Hm so that was your first?" I said raising an eyebrow as we got in the car.

"I guess you can say that."she said laughing a little and starting the car.

"Well I'll take it as I get it."i said smiling and looking around as she drove off.

"I had fun today."taylor said smiling and driving.

"I did're actually not as boring as i thought you would be when i first met you." I said smirking jokingly.

"Hey!" Taylor said glaring at me playfully and focusing back at the road.

"Only joking." I said laughing and seeing that it was raining.

"oh great."taylor sighed parking and walking me inside the apartment building and up to my apartment.

"Well thanks for everything..ill text you or call you later?" I said smiling about to open the door unitl she quickly grabbed my hand stopping me.

"Wait."she said staring at me then quickly looking around nervously.

"What's wr-" i said but she quickly cut me off kissing me.

I shut my eyes and placed my hands on her waist pulling her close as our lips slowly moved in sync full of passion. I felt her tangle her hand in my hair as she glided her tounge on my lip waiting for entrance, i opened my mouth slightly as she slowly slipped her tongue in playing with mine. We were getting so into our kiss we were just lost in each others lips.

"Uhem." I heard my best friend say as we both pulled away and saw her smirking.

'I um..i was just saying good bye." I said blushing.

"Uh..yeah..bye" taylor said hugging me and walking away.

"You two could've had time to get into it if i wasnt here." My friend said laughing as i walked in.

"Oh shut up." I said rolling my eyes and walking to my room trying not to smile like an idiot.

That was an amazing kiss...i really like taylor..what am i kidding im in love with her.

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