Make up

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I was in my apartment flipping through channels bored out of my mind, I would have been happy taking a stroll in the park or around New York with Taylor. But we broke up. I haven't been as happy as I used to be, my best friend was at work and I was sitting her on the couch watching tv trying to keep myself occupied and keep my mind off Taylor.

I flipped the channel and decided to just watch old Disney movies and be lazy until my friend got home so we can have fun and have a movie marathon together. I got up and waked to the kitchen looking for ice cream when the doorbell rang. I got a little confused and walked to the door opening it seeing a large bouquet of flowers.

"Delivery for y/n" the delivery man said.

"That's me." I smiled slightly as he handed me the bouquet of white and red roses which were my favorite.

"And here are some more." He said as two men came in with an and red rose bouquet and an all white rose bouquet.

"Oh, uh thank you."I said my eyes widened at the 3 large bouquets in front of me.

"Have a nice day" the delivery man said with a smile as he shut the door and left.

I smiled to myself looking at the roses, these were my favorite I can't believe anyone would do this for me. I looked around the roses and found an envelope, I opened it up pulling out a card.

I'm sorry for messing up.
I know this really sucks.
I can't live without you,
And I can't be me without you.
I really really miss you.
I probably wasted a box of tissues.
If these roses aren't enough.
I'll give you all my love.
Just know I really love you.
And I wish I was there to hug you.
I'm sorry for the rhyming
It just seemed like the perfect timing.
-Taylor xx

I smiled faintly at the card, she was such a dork. But she was my dork, I just really wanted her back.

I put the note down and opened the door running into Taylor.

"Woah." She said backing up a bit.

"What are you doing here?" I asked surprised.

"I came to see you." She said sighing.

I immediately hugged her laying my head on her shoulder as she hugged me back a little confused.

"I forgive you..thank you for the roses, I shouldn't have overreacted." I sighed.

"Really?" She said smiling.

"Really." I said looking at her smiling before she quickly pushed her lips to mine.

We kissed for a bit until it turned into a make out in the hallway for what seemed like forever.

I had my eyes shut as we just continued kissing, it felt like we were the only two people in the world. It felt amazing.

"Well I'm guessing you two are back together or someone needed CPR." My friend said as we pulled away looking at her blushing as she smirked and walked into the apartment.

"How about we go for a walk and for some frozen yogurt?" Taylor said smiling.

"I'm in my sweats and jacket I don't look good to go out." I said

"I'm in my sweats too lets just go it's night time no one cares what you look like." She said as I sighed and shook my head.

"Ok let's go." I said as she smiled and locked out hands as we both went walking out into the New York City night life back like we would before.

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