Going on tour with her

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Y/N's pov

"Like you have to feel it and you can do it it's not impossible I train on it everyday that's why my flips are on point and I get recommend as a background dancer" mark explained as he finished showing me and the background dancing boys how he does his flips.

"Hey how long do you think Taylor takes with her fans anyways?" Austin spacy one of Taylor's dancers asked as he took a slice of pizza and ate it.

"Ah who knows she loves her fans so she's just spending her time with them she'll be done soon." I said taking a bite of my pizza as me and the boys just talked and messed around.

"I got you now toshi!!" Austin yelled as him and toshi squirted each other with water guns running around like little kids as mark joined throwing a bucket of water on both of them.

"So you guys were having fun without me?" Taylor said playfully pouting as she walked up to us.

"Well duh you were busy with fans we obviously did something fun until you finished." Mark said in a sassy time as toshi and Austin snuck up and dumped water on him.

"I'm getting you guys back for that!!" Mark yelled chasing them around their bus.

"Well I'm glad you guys had your fun but I want my honey with me right now I haven't seen her since this morning." Taylor said making grabby hands towards my direction.

"Go get it!" Some of the guys yelled laughing as I rolled my eyes and walked with Taylor to the bus while the guys sat around a small bonfire and talked.

"Today was such a long day I'm so glad I get some alone time with you." Taylor sighed as she sat on my lap cuddling into the crook of my neck.

"Well just take time to relax you get a break in a couple of days." I said hugging her.

"I'm glad you came on tour with me..it's so nice to actually have someone to come too after a concert." She said pecking my lips.

"Well I'm happy I came too..because now I get to keep an eye on you." I said playfully smirking.

"Shut up." She said laughing as she punched me lightly.

"Well we're all alone." She said moving up as our lips locked and we just kissed passionately.

"Taylor are you in here?" I heard Austin Taylor's brother call out as we both pulled away quickly to reveal a smirking Austin and Andrea chuckling.

"You did great tonight honey" Andrea said as she walked over and hugged Taylor as she sat by me.

"Thanks mom" Taylor said smiling as she looked over and started talking with Austin.

"So y/n" Andrea said smiling as she looked over at Taylor and Austin who were now arguing.

"Austin give me back my phone you're going to break it!" Taylor shouted as Austin laughed and ran off the bus making Taylor chase after him.

"Yes Andrea?" I asked looking over at her smiling.

"You can call me mom now you know that right?" She said laughing a little.

"Alright..mama swift" I said chuckling.

"Close enough " Andrea said as she laughed.

"So what were you going to tell me?" I asked with a smile remaining on my face.

"I just wanted to say, thank you..you've made Taylor the happiest I've ever seen her in any relationship she's ever been in...and she really loves you I'm sure you're the one she's been waiting for." She said smiling.

"Really?...it means a lot Andrea..I'm glad I'm making her as happy as she makes me..I wouldn't trade her for anyone else." I said smiling.

"Scott feels the same too it took him some getting used to but he loves you like his own child and he would cry if you guys ever split..probably more than Taylor could." Andrea joked chuckling.

"Well you guys are like the family I never had I'm glad to be apart of it now..you guys even back me up and stick by me at my worst like a real family..my family never did that..thank you." I said smiling slightly as I saw some tears form in Andrea's eye's as she quickly pulled me into a hug.

"We'll always have your pack sweetie don't worry" she said sniffling as she pulled away and Taylor ran back in out of breath.

"Mom can I sell Austin to a-a zoo." Taylor said panting.

"No." Andrea said chuckling as her and Austin told us good night and left to their bus.

"So what happened." Taylor said catching her breath.

"Nothing..I just realized how you're the best thing that ever happened to me." I said smiling admiring Taylor as her cheeks turned a light shade of pink and a smile appears on her lips before she quickly jumped into my arms making us both fall to the floor of the bus.

"I love you Taylor Alison swift" I said smiling as we were still on the floor.

"And I love you y/n (y/m/n-if you have one) y/l/n swift." Taylor said kissing me softly.

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