As summer appeared my Mom grew suspicious. It was so stressful keeping this secret. One summer night in the month of june my mom barges into my room and takes my phone. She tells me to unlock it and im so damn scared i panic. I feel sick like i might throw up. I fumble with my phone failing to open it several times in an effort to prolong the inevitable. I unlock it and give her my phone. She starts reading and becomes very very angry with me. All i could do was cry and sputter the word 'sorry' repeatedly.
"I will be reading all of the messages between you and this boy and going through the rest of your phone. You are grounded for a week and i want you to do a word study on lying and secrets. Im very dissapointed and hurt to think you wouldn't just come to me." my mom spoke words of dissapointmemt and anger. Killing me inside.
"I-I'm so sorry....p-please forgive me. Just punish me now.." i responded crying tears of guilt. I broke the rule i thought i never would break and i broke my mom's trust. It was a sad and hard week for me. Feeling sick when i woke up each morning dreading facing my mom.
When the week ended mom handed my phone to me. I went directly to Facebook and try to contact Mauricio. Then i noticed something. As i looked i saw that he was being real flirtatious with another girl. I decided to not look into it for fear I'd blow up on him. But then mom came and told me to look. I saw his comments on some of her photos and i had it. I asked mauricio about it and he denied it. I trusted him even though i was suspicious. But then he did the dumbest thing. He blocks her saying that a girl he likes (me) thinks he likes her. I go to her page and find a new status saying she couldnt believe this guy whom she thought was pretty decent and tells her he likes her just blocked her because of some other girl. I screen shot that shit and send it to mauricio. He sits there trying to say no thats not how it happened. All i said was,
"I feel bad for fucked up man...i think we should stop talking for a while." and i left it at that. He said okay sadly. I was more dissapointed than hurt at that point. "What a dumbass..." i said to myself. I felt dumb for ever believing anything he said. I didnt trust him anymore. I never cried over it though so i started to think i was just simply attached to the attention he gave me and not him. I sighed and continued my day.
The next day i get a message from him. It's a long apology letter. He felt really bad and like a total fucking dumbass. He wondered if he could possibly have me as a friend still. I thought about it for a while before answering.
"Forgiven....sure we can still be friends i guess." was my response. He was shocked because he felt like he didn't deserve my forgiveness. And he was right, he really didnt deserve it. But i had a soft spot for him and he did say sorry. So we talked less but more friendly for most of the summer.
Rules, Secrecy, Love, and A Whole Big Mess
AcakStory of how i slowly became the girlfriend of Mauricio.