VII - Pitiful

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He keeps giving me pity looks.

Him sympathizing with me makes me want to rip out my insides.

Laughter could fill his gaze.

He could look down on me like he was high and mighty and I would have to force myself to give two Fs.

But nnooo....

It makes me want to punch him in the throat.

It's only the end of fourth period and I'm already done with today.

Maybe all of his pity glances are just an act.

Maybe he's laughing himself senseless on the inside.

...Does that even make any sense...?

"So even when he dumps you you're still too insecure to let him go."

I was just about to slam my locker shut when I heard her annoyingly high-pitched voice.

Looks like I'm about to slam something else too...

Normally, I would've turned around with a sickly sweet smile, ready to say something that would destroy her whole life, but I just wasn't having it today.

"One, I dumped him and everybody knows it. Two, what do you want, Parker?"

I faced her, adjusting the straps on my backpack, and stared at her with a completely bored-out-of-my-mind look.

She smiled with her cherry-glossed lips, "Jamie told me you called him last night."

And there it is. I was wondering when this would be brought up.

"It was a mistake. Those things tend to happen. Now, if you'll move..."

"But why didn't you delete his number?" She said with the same smile, blocking my path way, "I mean. He did cheat on you."

"And your hair is just dripping with grease." I said, rolling my eyes.

She grabbed strands of her disgusting brunette hair, her smile faltering, "Is not. What does that have to do with anything anyway?"

"You stated the obvious so I thought I would return the favor."

I smirked as her eyes narrowed a bit, "Now, if you would be so kind as to step aside..."

She crossed her arms and showed no signs of moving.

"...Or else I'll just have to move you myself." I said a little too sweetly.

She ran her hand through her long, stringy hair before responding, "I'd like to see you try."

I scoffed and took a step toward her, "Oh would you?"

She took a step back.

Before I could lay a hand on her - and trust me, I was about to - the bell yelled at us to get to class.

I smirked at her, "Saved by the bell," and I ran into her shoulder before walking off.

"Just stay away from my boyfriend!" She called after me after a few moments.

I turned around and walked backwards, "Why? Afraid he might come crawling back?"

"No!" She huffed.

I just laughed.

She wasn't worth responding to anymore.

Before going to get some lunch, I took a detour, going to the bathroom first before entering the cafeteria.

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