XIV - Popular

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***Dedicated to @watermelonseedx for sticking with this story since the beginning. Thank you for commenting on the last chapter! Meant a lot to me ;3***

I was having an abnormally pleasant conversation with the Ditzy Twins, whom I haven't been able to stomach until recently, when Jamie and Jackson walked through the school's front doors.

Jamie's posture was that of an old man who requires the assistance of a cane, but he tried to keep his eyes and smile bright.

He failed.

He looks like someone who's dying on the inside but doesn't want anyone to know.

I smiled at Jackson when he noticed me. He jerked his head upwards and made his way towards our trio, but not before patting Jamie on the shoulder as if to say good-bye.

My eyes followed the poor soul as he made his way to his locker, telling a group of loud guys that he'd talk to them later when they beckoned him over.

I watched him find his girlfriend who instantly saw the demeanor that was unlike the Jamie White we had all come to know.

The giddiness that had made a home in my stomach was soon accompanied by a sting of electricity when rested his head in the crook of her neck and sighed deeply.

It was like he was actually starting to like her.

Oh, who cares?!

Those two imbeciles deserve each other...

"Earth to Phoebe!" Emma sang.

Jackson eyed me suspiciously but said nothing.

I gazed at all three of them, speechless.

"Did you just, like, blackout or something?" Jenna asked between sips of her Starbucks coffee.

I crossed my right leg over my left, careful not to lose my balance or stab myself in the shin with my heel.

"Something like that." I said with a somewhat forced smile.

"This got weird fast." Emma commented before looking at her sister.

"Yeah, but we have to go anyway. The boy's swim team should be finished practice by now." Jenna winked at me.

Emma clapped her hands before she let her sister drag her towards the team that possessed the only other pair of twins at H.L.A.

"Won't you be late to class?" Jackson called after them.

"Boys are better than homeroom!" Jenna yelled over her shoulder.

I rolled my eyes and gave the floor a side smile.

"What going on with you?" Jackson asked, arms folded.

Hands on the hips, "What are you talking about?"

I uncrossed my legs as he said, "It's happening again. You're up to something."

I raised my eyebrows, "I want to know what it is."

The nervousness that started to build up didn't even have a chance.

I replied coolly, "Again?"

"Birthday party? Pink paint? Jamie? Any of that ring a bell?"

"Still my greatest accomplishment." I smirked.

Not for long.

Jackson clenched his jaw and moved closer to me so that we were only inches apart.

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