A Chance Encounter, Part 2

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A/N: So it seems publishing isn't quite as brisk as I was hoping it was going to be. But like I said, I will finish this story no matter what! As they always say, the journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. Let us witness as Jason continues to make that single step into his own tale...

Scene Two: A Chance Encounter, Part 2.

As Jason reached the Old Mansion, he noticed something odd. It took a full minute of staring to figure out what it was, if for no other reason than the detail centered on what wasn't there.

The gate to the mansion was wide open.

"The Veil Lizard has become active again."

"Again? Third time this month. You'd think one of the natives would have run into it by now."

"Be that as it may, until a Keyblade wielder can be recruited into the Organization–"

"'It's our job to do Heartless control.' I know, I know. I'm on my way."

Jason took a few tentative steps towards the now open gate. The lawn in front of him seemed just as empty as it had ever been. Still, Jason hid behind a wall and peeked around it to study the lawn first, as in his opinion it never hurt to be too cautious.

But no matter how hard Jason looked, everything seemed normal: an inner border of bushes, some patches of dirt in the grass, a few broken statues overrun with plants. Jason sneaked out from behind the wall and walked through the gates for the first time in his life. When nothing happened, he relaxed for the first time that day, if only a little.

Jason lay on his back again, seeing the sky above him but not really paying attention to it. The boy retreated into himself, trying to find the center of calm that had eluded him the entire day.

I'm not usually so on edge, and yet to snap so harshly at someone who was only trying to help seems to be an expression of just how much of a mess I really am.

Jason grabbed one of his bangs with one hand and began to play with it, deep in thought.

Why do I feel so bad? I've tried so hard to control these feelings, but I can't. I know that there was nothing I could do to stop that man back then; there's been no sign of him since the day of the attack. As far as I can see there is no will, no way, no path I can take to find that man and make him pay for what he did.

The boy felt his mind become agitated again, so he tried to calm himself by taking in his surroundings.

The feel of the grass under my body. The air I breathe into myself. The light and warmth of the sun that bathes me. Jason felt his thoughts finally begin to calm. They danced underneath his eyelids, possibilities and scenarios spreading out in front of him.

And yet, it's not like I don't have anything. I have my sister. I have friends I can call up if I want some company. I'm still alive, I still get to wake up every morning and experience moments like these.

As Jason watched these thoughts dance in his mind's eye, he felt something begin to form in the back of his head. The sensation that he almost had the answer to his questions, that the fog in his head would clear if he would just reach out a little more.

Why am I so angry? Am I just unsatisfied with everything I have in my life?

The sensation in his head grew stronger.

Wait, I don't think I'm unhappy with what I have. I love my life. But even if the one-eyed man were to ever return... At last, the fog in Jason's head cleared, leaving nothing in its wake but a single, stark reality: If the one-eyed man ever returned to Twilight Town, he could do what he want, destroy what he pleased.

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