Gaze upon your true relfection

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A/N: This plot of this story is finally starting to kick in! Let's watch as things quickly spiral out of control.

Scene 4: Gaze Upon Your True Reflection

Unknown Location

"Could you repeat that, Saix?"

"One of the human locals spotted Number VIII while he was on a mission, and according to him, the local bore a striking resemblance to him. To be sure, it is an oddity."

"Nah, I think Flamesilocks is just a bit too full of himself."

I know only one person with red hair besides Flamesilocks...could it be?

The Station of Delusion

"Are you sure that you want answers? It's not too late to back away."

Jason observed the Shadow as it paced around him, yellow eyes piercing into him. Jason could tell by the flat tone that the Shadow was really only asking these questions out of obligation.

"You told me earlier that if I don't accept these answers, I'll sink into some kind oblivion," Jason pointed out. "Even if you're just being metaphorical, it still doesn't sound very pleasant. So even if I didn't want answers, I kinda need them."

"So you're not in the mood for any of this prerequisite garbage either." Shadow Jason nodded approvingly. "I will try to cut down as much of the unneeded fluff as I can, but no promises."

The Shadow lifted an arm, and a small creature formed out of the black stain on the pane. It was very vaguely humanoid, with bright yellow eyes just like the Shadow Jason, and it had antenna on the top of its head. The creature's face was blank of all other features except the eyes.

"What is that?" Jason asked, immediately on alert at the sight of the small creature.

"If you don't know, then I don't either," Shadow Jason answered. "But I do feel a kinship with this being."

The creature abruptly leaped at Jason, catching him off guard. The next thing Jason knew, he had a long gash going up his right arm.

"I should have expected that...but that was still a really dirty trick to pull!" Jason growled.

"And what makes you think I was responsible for this?" Shadow Jason sneered. "You know absolutely nothing about either of us, so why would you automatically assume that I can control it?"

"Well, you share your coloration with it," Jason explained. "That's my first reason. Secondly, it looked like you summoned this being from the dark stain on the Station of Delusion. Lastly, this creature attacked me only after you said that you shared a kinship with it. So I concluded that you non-verbally ordered it to attack me."

The Shadow nodded in approval. "Well-reasoned, given the little information you were presented to work with. Here on the Station of Delusion, I can control anything and everything, including this small being of darkness. However, I have no idea what this creature is, only that I've seen them before. Do you know why?"

"Since you're me, you know everything I know, but only what I know," Jason said. "And if you can control everything here...then so can I!"

Jason slammed down his uninjured arm, and the small creature exploded into a puff of black mist.

"Nicely done once again. But, you've only just begun to open your eyes!"

Shadow Jason pointed at the gash on Jason's arm, which suddenly flared with pain.


Jason grabbed his injured arm, feeling the pain steadily get worse.

Okay, this is looking really bad. We can both control everything in this place, which would normally leave us on completely even footing. But after that surprise attack with the small creature from earlier, the Shadow version of me now has a weakness he can exploit! Think, Jason. It stands to reason that if we can control everything in this environment that includes ourselves!

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