A Path is Unfolding

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A/N: Now the story is going to settle into a "daily life" pattern for a bit. So watch everyone's lives unfold as they chase their ambitions. Enjoy, my fair readers!

Scene 11: The Path is Unfolding

"Even just from simple observation, it is clear that this world does not operate by the same rules as my world."

"Even a Creeper Nobody could point that out. Do you have something more meaningful to say?"

Jason considered the question. Today's training once again returned him to Wonderland, this time with a blond-haired Nobody by the name of Vexen. The purpose of the mission was to test Jason's observational prowess, so Vexen had been drilling him with queries all day.

"Well, the important thing is to learn the rules here," Jason finally answered. "While this world doesn't operate how I'm used to, I've noticed some constants. For example, exiting the forest from one place will always lead me to the same area of the room with the fireplace." Jason added as an aside to himself, "Regardless of how little sense it makes for that exit to lead to that room."

The first time Jason left from the opposite side of the forest, only to end up right back where he had started, he thought he had gone crazy. Even now, after trying a few times with the same result, his mind shuddered from trying to figure it out. This world was becoming increasingly bad for his mental health.

"It doesn't make sense to you, you mean," Vexen said in reprimand. "But fair point. It's important to navigate your surroundings and keep multiple routes in mind. Anything else?"

"Excluding the Heartless, all the native life I've encountered so far have been friendly," Jason continued. "Which doesn't mean there aren't hostiles in places I haven't explored - just that, as of now, I know where I will likely remain safe."

"Well reasoned. Now, your observational skills aren't anything noteworthy," Vexen said. "But you have proven to possess a practical mind. That is enough for today, time to RTC."

Jason couldn't help but sigh in relief. As training had continued the past few days his body struggled to keep up. Yesterday's mission had been with a blue-haired organization member named Zexion. That mission concerned exterminating Heartless, but when Zexion had asked Jason if he was willing to go beyond the assigned quota, Jason made sure to flush out any straggler heartless.

This resulted in a clear reward: more potions and 500 munny. The way that compensation worked with the Organization was steadily becoming more clear. That being said, it raised the question if the Organization would ever stop offering work beyond the stated mission and start sneaking it in as a requirement...

Jason also had to admit that after only a few days, the grind was starting to get to him. The stark white walls everywhere in the castle, the difficult nature of the missions, the lack of freedom - it threatened to chip away at him. He didn't know how long he could last like this.

"So Jason still hasn't been found?" Olette asked her two friends with concern.

"No. It's the spookiest thing," Pence said. "He doesn't show up to school one day, and no one has seen him since. All the adults have been looking for him nonstop, but they haven't found a trace of him."

"Something stinks about this," Hayner said suddenly. "Wasn't the day Jason didn't come to school also the day the Darnell family was attacked last year?"

"I think so," Pence answered thoughtfully. "Wait, you don't think they're related?"

"I'm not sure. But Eileen hasn't been around lately either, and I doubt that's just a coincidence."

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