Putting it all in a new perspective

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A/N: More characters being introduced in today's chapter! How is our hero going to react to some of the most frightening forces in Kingdom Hearts universe? Find out below. So enjoy, my fair readers!

Scene 9: Putting it All in a New Perspective

"Eileen, I think this is far too dangerous. Why would we even need to know how to do this?"

"Because our town is small and helpless, little brother. Even if nothing ever happens within our lifetime, I don't want there to be a time where I might have done something but couldn't because I was helpless. Now, look at the can in front of you, and pretend it's attacking you."

"If you say so. Here goes...."


A fireball erupted from the end of Jason's staff and hit the wall of his cell. It didn't leave any kind of marking; the Blizzard and Thunder spells had been even less effective.

Jason sat down on his bed to take a break, feeling drained from practicing for the past hour. He could have sworn that he used to be capable of lasting a lot longer; but then, he was at least a year out of practice.

The more time passed, the more the holes in his memories began filling in. After a restless night of sleep, Jason remembered that Eileen had in fact taught him every magic spell he knew, explaining the cryptic comments from his Shadow self. The two main questions Jason had about the whole thing still hadn't been answered, though: why had he forgotten all those memories in the first place, and why was he only just recalling them now?

The door to the cell opened, and a displeased Xigbar entered the room.

"Hey kid," he said. "I really don't appreciate you trying to burn the whole place down, so cut it out."

"That wasn't what I was trying to do," Jason said, and meant it. Well it was technically true, since Jason had given up on the hope of breaking out once he saw how resistant everything in the room was to magic. "I was practicing my magic in preparation for any future combat."

"If you say so," Xigbar said sarcastically. "Well, I'd put on my good boy pants if I were you. The Superior wants to see you right away."

Jason stood up and followed Xigbar out of the cell. It was time for what was going to be the most difficult task to pull off so far - for Jason to bow and grovel for his life.

The final destination this time around appeared to be the rooftop of the castle. Xigbar told him that it was called the Altar of Naught. Given how close the heart-shaped moon was, Jason felt the name was very appropriate.

In the center of the Altar was a man in a black cloak whom Jason presumed was the Superior. The man had dark-brown skin, white hair, deep red eyes, and pointed ears like Xigbar's. The intimidating aura the man was giving off was certainly befitting of a leader.

"I brought the human with me, Xemnas," Xigbar announced.

"Oh, Kingdom Hearts," the Superior said, lifting his arms in the air in reverence. "Please accept this offering that has come before us, as small and insignificant as it may be. Guide us closer to what we all desire. What brings you to this endless abyss?"

Jason wasn't entirely sure what to make of the theatrics on display before him, but he tried his hardest to keep a respectful expression on his face.

"Wait till you hear this," Xigbar said. "Duskie here wants to work for the Organization."

Xemnas turned the entirety of his attention onto Jason, pinning the young boy on the spot.

"Is that so," Xemnas said softly. "Do you truly presume that you're capable of joining the Organization?"

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