Reach rock bottom

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A/N: After some real life issues threw off the writing schedule...again, I have returned to DtTP! This chapter is stuffed full of plot, so I hope it was worth it was the wait. Enjoy, my readers!

Scene 6: Reach the Rock Bottom

Location: Unknown

Purpose: ...

For as long as the being could remember, it had solely two reasons to justify its existence: to reach a plateau of power it could not define, and to seek out a certain individual. The being did not know this individual personally, but was instead seeking them out for the sake of someone else. To this end, the being had wandered for many years. The being had many experiences in that time, but could not remember most of them. Anything irrelevant to fulfilling the missions was quickly discarded.

Today, or the closest concept the being could grasp, it searched the halls of a grand castle. Deep in its core, the being could sense the presence of the one it was seeking, but the trail was already a few days old. The trail ended inside a large bedroom.

"The trail goes cold here. Looks like I missed my chance - again," it muttered under its breath as it shifted its amorphous body. "Hopefully I can pick up the scent again, or it's back to having to do stakeout."

The being sighed deeply. It very rarely got a lead on its search, and whenever it did those leads would quickly dry up, much like this one had. But the quest was the very reason this being existed in the first place, and so it persevered.

"If this room is uninhabited, perhaps I could rest here for the night," the being said to itself.

"What are you doing in my bedroom?" a deep voice growled from the shadows.

"Or not..." the being deadpanned as it realized it was no longer alone.

The being slowly turned and raised one hand in surrender, meanwhile using the other hand to try to open a Dark Corridor through which it could make an escape.

"Please, don't be hasty –"

The last thing the being saw was that the owner of the bedroom was large and covered in thick fur, before said owner struck out with sharp claws. The being flew backwards into the incomplete Dark Corridor.

My body was badly damaged by that strike. If I land in a place with hostile natives like that one, I might be in trouble.

With this thought in mind, the being shifted its body to one that it felt would seem harmless as it flew through the darkness. It felt itself smack into something soft before unconsciousness claimed it.

Location: Unknown

Jason looked around the small cell he had been thrown into from his sitting position in a corner of the room. It had all the basic amenities such as a bed and a toilet, but everything in the room looked stark. The cell itself was a bright white, much like the hallways outside.

The vortex that Xigbar had opened led into this cell. Before leaving, Xigbar had told Jason to wait patiently, but not before confiscating Jason's bo staff. That had been several hours ago now. As time passed, Jason couldn't help but become more and more paranoid.

He had no idea why he was being kept alive, and his mind insisted on filling the silence with increasingly hysterical theories. His imagination had decided that they were keeping him so that his organs could be harvested for food. Jason bit down hard on his thumb, hoping the pain would force him back into clarity.

Okay, what do I know for a fact? Xigbar and my doppelganger look human, but the fact that Xigbar referred to Braig Sanders as a separate entity to himself seems to indicate this might not be entirely the case. As for where I am, I don't have enough information to draw any conclusions. The fact that I was brought straight into this cell means I can't even be sure I'm in the same world anymore.

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