Chapter Twenty-Four

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You hang on to John's hand, trying hard not to be frightened of the band's rather angry-looking manager. It's a lot more reassuring having John to hold onto. He feels you tense up.

"Don't worry, love," he whispers. "If Brian gets snappy at you I'll knock him flat, okay?"

You smile gratefully at him. John really isn't all that bad, you decide. He might have frightened you a bit outside but he's a lovely guy on the whole. You clutch his hand tightly. He squeezes back.

Brian has spotted you and John together and comes bounding over, the other three Beatles following. To your surprise, he looks pleased to see you. He approaches and snatches up your hand, shaking it warmly. "Hello, my dear," he says excitedly, pumping your arm up and down like a handle on a waterspout.

"Hello," you reply, feeling a bit flustered.

"My, my, my, lads. She's lovely!" Brian cries, inspecting you from all angles. "Where did you find her?"

Paul explains that you were waiting at the station and how he pulled you free from the crazy mob of screaming teenage girls. John tells Brian your name and how old you are, and he also states that you're a very kind and lovely girl indeed. You feel your cheeks burning from all the sudden attention and compliments. You've never been fussed over like this before and you're not entirely sure you like it.

"Well, I think she'll do quite nicely," Brian says, sounding satisfied and almost relieved.

"What's going on?" you ask John, pulling him aside while Brian chats to the other lads. John just smiles slyly at you and says you'll have to wait and see.

"I'm sick of waiting," you mutter.

"I know, darling," John says, stroking your hair. "It's only for a little longer."

You don't feel convinced. John gives you a playful dig and the ribs. He glances up at Brian and the other three Beatles. They're still chatting. You strain to hear their conversation.

"The show starts in an hour and a half," Brian says. "You need to be on set and ready ten minutes prior to that, okay? Feel free to wander, rehearse, whatever, but DON'T leave the building."

"We won't, Bri," Paul says. "Don't worry."

Brian nods then leaves to sort some things out in the directors booth. Paul, George, and Ringo stroll over to you and John. They're all smiling at you.

"So, love," Paul says. "What do you want to do before the show?"

You stare down at your shoes. "I don't know."

"We could go for a walk around the studio," George suggests.

"We could go and have some fun out around the back field," Ringo adds.

"We could do some rehearsing," says Paul.

John doesn't speak, but you can tell he's itching to say something. You consider the options. You're still quite curious about the way Brian acted towards you and why the lads are all suddenly so smiley and secretive, but you're still too shy to ask.

If you want to sit and watch the lads rehearse, go to Chapter Twenty-Five

If you want to explore the rest of the studio, go to Chapter Twenty-Six

If you want to go outside and muck around on the field, go to Chapter Twenty-Seven

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