Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Let's... Let's explore the rest of the studio," you say eventually.

John and Paul approve noisily, but George and Ringo don't look too keen. You try to explain that you're keeping to Brian's rule of staying inside the theater, but they don't seem interested in explanation. George and Ringo go off together, leaving you alone with the other two lads.

"Well, love," John says, taking your hand, "let's go and have some fun!"

"Okay," you say, blushing redder than an embarrassed tomato.

John grins and starts to lead you away. Paul follows along behind, but he doesn't look too pleased about it. It seems like something is bothering him and he needs to talk about it, but doesn't quite like to. You decide not to ask about it.

It turns out you don't need to ask at all.

You, John and Paul walk along endless corridors and round several corners, pressing onward but not really getting anywhere. The three of you stop outside of a big, red door. There's a sign hanging on it: KEEP OUT. John looks extremely curious and reaches out towards the doorknob. Paul quickly darts across and slaps his hand away.

"Hey!" John says, sounding annoyed. "What's the big idea, McCartney?"

"We can't go in there!" Paul cries. "Can't you read? The sign says we need to keep out!"

John frowns, then he lifts the sign off of the door and throws it over his shoulder.

"What sign?" he asks, smiling slightly.

Paul sighs irritably then seizes your hand. "Brian said we have to keep her safe."

This catches you by surprise. "Why do you - " you begin, but John cuts you off.

"Well, Brian ain't here, and she's with us. It's perfectly safe!"

"Yeah, for now," Paul says, putting an unusual amount of emphasis on 'now'.

You begin to worry. What could the band's manager possibly have in store for you? The Beatles have only known you for a few hours, and Brian's known you for even less time; but whatever it is, it doesn't sound good.

"What does Brian want me for, Paul?" you ask timidly.

Paul opens his mouth to reply, but John interrupts.

"He's looking for some nice young girl like yourself, so he can kidnap you and use you as the band's communal sex slave."

Your eyes bulge with horror and you feel your blood freeze up inside your veins. Within seconds you're off like a shot, running away in such a blind panic that you barely know where you're going. John and Paul chase after you, yelling at the tops of their lungs. The chase continues for several minutes. You look desperately for an escape, but all the doors along the corridor are locked!

Except for one.

You waste no time in busting it open, charging into the room and locking the door from the inside. You can hear muffled voices from the other side - John and Paul's voices. One of them tries to open the door but you've firmly locked it. They give up after a while and start to walk away.

"Ha!" you cry triumphantly. "That'll teach them for thinking they could kidnap me!"

You've got a new problem. You're still locked in the room.

It seems you celebrated a little too early.

To make matters worse, the doorknob has come away in your hand.

There's no way out.

Far off in the distance, you hear Paul's voice muttering angrily.

"Why did you have to tease her like that, John?!"


(Go back and choose another adventure!)

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