Chapter Thirty

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You stride confidently up to John's dressing room and tap on the door. You're sure that the note is from him. The signature at the bottom is smudged, but there's a little drawing beside it: a picture of a man with very long hair and a pointed nose. It looks very much like something John would draw - in fact, it looks a lot like him!

If that isn't evidence that John fancies you, then you don't know what is.

John doesn't come to the door. Instead you hear someone yell, "Come in!".

You open the door and find John leaning back in a chair with his feet propped up on a small table, looking very relaxed. He smiles as you approach him.

"Hi there, sweetie," he says.

You say hi back. He smirks and gestures for you to sit in the chair opposite him.

"So you got my note?" John asks as you sit down.

You nod.

"Great," he says, smiling broadly. When he speaks again his tone is serious and solemn. "Listen, I have to be honest with you. You're a nice bird and extremely pretty."

You feel your cheeks going crimson. No guy has ever said you were pretty before, and here's the one and only John Lennon saying you're 'extremely pretty'. You can hardly believe it.

"I know you're still pretty young and it might be a bit weird... but..." John pauses, trying to catch his breath. He looks like he's about to pass out. You begin to feel nervous.

"But what?" you ask anxiously.

"Would you go out with me sometime?"

This catches you off guard. You don't answer for several seconds and simply stare at John, blinking as if someone has thrown a fistful of sand in your eyes. John goes pink and refuses to make eye contact.

"Oh crap," he says. "I've made a fool of myself, haven't I?"

You shake your head. "No! Not at all!"

"You must think I'm a creep. I've only known you a few hours, yet I'm asking you on a date!" John sighs heavily and shakes his head. "You're probably not even out of high school." 

He's right about that but you decide not to acknowledge it. Instead you reach out and take his hand. He glances up at you in curiosity, one eyebrow raised.

"Yes," you say softly.


"Yes, I'm accepting your proposal."

John looks surprised for a moment, then his lips crinkle into a smile. "Great. That's wonderful."

"Tell you something," you say, leaning in closer.

"What's that, darling?" John says.

"You were always my favourite Beatle."

John chuckles. "Thank you very much."

You smirk. "John?"


"Can I tell you something else?"


You lean in even closer, your lips practically brushing against his ear. "This bra unhooks at the back," you whisper.

John cracks up laughing. "Oh man, I can tell you're absolutely perfect. I'm so glad Paul pulled you onto the train in the first place."

"So am I," you say. "So am I."


(Go back and choose another adventure!)

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