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The two walked in the direction of Scarlett's apartment door. Sam continued to talk about some story about his parent's new puppy. He was so cute. She felt really bad she couldn't give him her full undivided attention. But her mind was elsewhere. The headache had returned.

"This is my stop." Scarlett announced digging her hand into her jacket pocket and pulling out her keys.

"It's pretty cool you got your own place." Sam commented as she unlocked the door.

"It does have it's perks." She smiled. She wanted him to leave. It sounded awful but it was true.

"Yeah I bet. Anyways you should get some sleep." He nudged her shoulder with his fist lightly. "It was nice meeting you Scarlett."

"It was nice meeting you too Sam. Thanks again for the ride."

She just wanted to go inside and lock the door.

"No problem see you around?" He asked adjusting his beanie.

"Of course."

He gave her a smile and small wave before walking away. Scarlett let out a sigh of relief and closed the door.

What she needed right now was something for her killer headache.

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Wesley threw the knife across the room putting a hole in the direct centre of the ugly painting the was hanging there. He ran both of his hands down his face. Plan B of getting information from the demon proved to be unsuccessful. He was a tough son of a bitch that was for sure.

"Sir there is someone here for you." Marcos, his third in charge, informed him.

"Bring them in then."

Wesley watched a tall-haired boy walk through the door in all black and leather.

"And were you successful Samuel?" Wesley asked turning the face his newest employee.

"I would say so," Samuel answered in a strong Scottish accent. "But I should inform you that she isn't well."

That triggered Wesley's attention. There would be no reason why she wouldn't be well. She was unable to get sick.

"And why do you say that?" Wesley asked taking another weapon off the table and inspecting it.

"While I've been watching her she's been hallucinating. I mean I think they're hallucinations. Plus she's been waking up every night, like from some kind of nightmare. Today during class she had a mental break down." Samuel explained standing in front of him with his arms behind his back. "I could swear she says your name sometimes."

Then she wasn't sick. Wesley got up quickly making the chair topple over.

"Sir what is it?" Samuel asked cautiously.

Max, we have a problem.

A few moments later Max was inside the room.

 "What? What is it?"

Now there were ten men inside the tiny motel room.

 "She's getting her memories back."

There was a moment of silence.

"Sir that's impossible isn't it?" Ronan, a burly guy in the back, asked.

"Apparently not."

Wesley paced the room back and forth. This was a problem he never expected would happen. How could he expect the impossible? 

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