Chapter 1.

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EVERYONE KNOWS ABOUT ALISON BEAN in Hadfield High. I'm famous, but in the bad way. I'd be first on the "Hadfield High's Top Losers" list, if they happened to have one.

It all started when I accidentally spilled apple juice on queen bee Brittany's super expensive designer skirt. Cliché, I know. Brittany disliked my existence and she bullied me, her gang backed her up. Soon, some of the students started calling me names too.

Brittany made me trip over in Science class and I was being laughed at. She tore my English project which lead me to detention just because Mrs Hanson chose to believe Brittany over me. Almost everyday, I had to cry in one of the bathroom stalls. I had to face everything alone because I don't have any friends and I won't tell my parents, ever.

Today, it's Sandra's turn to tease me. Sandra is Brittany's best friend, and so is Megan.

"Oh-mi-gosh! Gals, look at that hideous purple sweater! So out of season," Sandra said and the others giggled. "I think I've seen it somewhere befor- oh! Now I remember! My grandma's cat Fifi wore the exact same pattern!"

I bit my lips and grabbed my History textbook, desperate to leave as soon as possible. But then Damian leaned onto the locker, blocking my way. Damian is Brittany's boyfriend. She has no interest in him but accepted his confession after knowing that I had a crush on him. She just wants to make me jealous.

"Where do you think you're going?" Damian smirked.

"Damian!" Brittany rushed into his arms and they kissed in front of me. I looked away, trying to avoid the heartbreaking scene. "Jealous?"

I ignored them and ran towards the familiar place--the school's washroom. I cried for quite some time. Then I washed my face and sighed, still not so ready to go back to class.

I knocked on the door and stepped into the classroom. Mr Williams furrowed his eyebrows and frowned at me.

"Late, Miss Bean? It doesn't seem like something you'd do." He crossed his arms in front of his chest, then sighed and shook his head. "Principal's office, now."

* * *

"Miss Alison Bean." The principal, Mr Andrew, put down a paper which I supposed is my school record then raised a brow at me. "Please sit."

I nodded and sat on the chair opposite of him.

"Do you have anything you want to say, about you being thirty minutes late for class?" he asked. I remained silent. It's useless speaking to the adults, especially teachers or staffs in this school. Because they'll believe that Brittany's the innocent, good girl and that I'm lying to them about her.

The school's janitor, Mr Rockwell, suddenly knocked on the door. Mr Andrew allowed him to come in.

"Alison Bean, your mother is waiting for you at the gate. She said it's an emergency. I've brought your schoolbag to her and told Mr Williams that your mum wants to pick you up right now," he said. I instantly looked at Mr Andrew. The principal had a stern look on his face and he nodded, allowing me to depart.

I left the room and quickly rushed towards the school gate. Over there I saw my mum's silver car waiting for me.

"Mum? What are yo-"

"No time to explain, honey. Hop in!"

* * *

The halls of the hospital were quiet, cold and creepy. I sat beside my mum who was in tears right now, worried about my grandfather who's in he emergency room. The only thing I could do to comfort her was by patting her back softly. She pulled me into her arms, muttering about how afraid she is.

"It's going to be okay, mum," I said. She brushed a streak of my hair behind my ears and sobbed.

"If only your granny was here," she croaked. My grandma passed away two years ago due to heart attack. Ever since then my mum has been super strict about our family's diet. She also made sure we do regular exercises. "It's all my fault, if I wasn't busy with work and instead went to buy the food on my own, your grandpa won't fall off the stairs."

"Mum, it's just an accident." I rubbed her back, trying to at least soothe her nerves a little. The red light with the words 'emergency' written on it dimmed and the doctors came out of the room. Me and mum immediately rushed over to them.

"Doctor, is my dad okay?" mum asked, squeezing my hand. Even though it hurts slightly, I stayed quiet.

"Don't worry, he's fine. He will wake up in a few hours." The doctors left and mum let out a sigh of relief, squeezing me into a hug.

A nurse lead me and mum to the room grandpa's arranged at. Mum pushed open the door and sprinted towards grandpa's side. She quietly sobbed beside him. After mum got tired of the sobs and fell asleep, I left the room due to boredom.

I went to the washroom to wash up my face. I stared at my reflection in the mirror; thick and nerdy glasses, over-sized sweater, and green pants.

No wonder people laugh at me.

I sniffed and wiped the tears away, trying to avoid thinking about how ugly I look like. I decided to have a small walk at the hospital's garden.

The weather was cool, the plants and trees caused fresh air. I liked it there. It's probably the only place in the hospital that's able to fill dispirited hearts with glee. I sat on a bench, enjoying the scenery and putting myself into relaxation.

I didn't know when did I fell asleep. I felt a pat on my shoulder--mum.

"Honey, wake up. We have to go home now, dad's calling." I slowly opened up my eyes and followed mum to the car. On the way back home my brain kept on replaying what happened today. I had a surprisingly weird thought: why not write it in the mysterious diary I received.

* * *

Once we've reached home, I hurried upstairs. I fumbled for the diary in a pile of books and found it hidden under all of my favorite novels. I flipped open a page and started writing with a pen that I simply grabbed.

* * *

13th September 2015.

A lot happened today.

First, I received this diary. It was wrapped up in a package and placed on my front door. Not even an address was written. I wonder who gave this to me.

Then, Sandra teased me about my sweater, saying her grandma's cat named Fifi used the same one. I wanted to go away but Damian blocked my way. Brittany kissed Damian to make me jealous.

I went to the toilet and cried, again. I was late for class and sent to the principal's office. Before Mr Andrew could even give me detention, the janitor rushed in and said mum wanted to pick me up.

Mum brought me to the hospital and she teared up. Grandpa fell off the stairs and mum blamed herself for it. Luckily grandpa was okay.

If only life was better.

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