Chapter 2.

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KELLY CLARKSON'S SONG NAMED HEARTBEAT played on my iPod. I had my earphones stuck in my ears when I was on my journey to school. A few teenagers rode their skateboard towards me. One of them nearly made me trip. When my back was about to hit the cold surface of the road, I felt a pair of strong hands supporting my waist. It was Damian Summers, my crush for six damn years.

It was too late when I found us gazing into each other's eyes and that I'm still in his arms--he'd already spot my beet red cheeks. I re-balanced myself and wanted to shrug off the awkwardness. I muttered a thank you and quickened my footsteps.

"Wait up!" Damian called out, making me stop and turn back. He greeted me with his charming smile. I tried to avoid eye contact. My heart nearly skipped a beat when I heard his footsteps scurrying towards my direction. "Look, I just saved you from embarrassing yourself in public, do you think just a 'thank you' is enough?"

"Huh?" I looked at him, confused.

"To make things clear, I want to walk you to school." Once those words escaped his mouth, I blinked at him so hard. Did I hear something wrong? Damian Summers actually asked me to walk to school with him? He let out a small chuckle and ruffled my hair. "So?"

I blushed and nodded slowly in response. "You know what? You're actually quite cute, I can't believe that I only found out about this today."

I stared at him in disbelief. He stared back at me. We stared at each other. Then we burst into laughters. Just like what he asked for, we walked to school together. Along the way Damian kept telling me cringey jokes that a will come out of a father's mouth. Most of them were funny though, despite them being old and cringey. I laughed at every single joke--even at the ones I don't find funny--to make Damian feel better. He's my first friend after all, the first to make me feel like someone besides my family actually bothers talking to me. What more, he's my crush for six damn years.

* * *

During lunch, the BMS--Brittany, Megan and Sandra--walked pass my table and snickered. Probably because I was seating alone, I always am. Out of the blue, a tray was placed in front of me. I looked up to see Damian. He sat on my opposite and started savoring his plate of spaghetti. My eyes widened and I kept on staring at him. Students in the cafeteria started gossiping about this, I even spotted Brittany glaring at me.

"Ignore them, the spaghetti is really good today, why don't you try some?" Damian smiled. His smile was so warm that it could probably melt the North Pole. I sensed trouble when Brittany started walking towards us.

"Damian Summers, do you see me as a fool?" Brittany hissed, crossing her arms on her hips.

"I've kept everything clear yesterday, didn't I? We're over," Damian said calmly.

"Excuse me? It's so not fair! How dare you dump me like that?!" Brittany yelled. She took a deep breath and continued: "Fine! If you want to break up then go on, but if you're doing it for this idiot, I won't let that hap-"

Before Brittany could even finish talking, Damian did something that surprised everyone. He slapped her. Everyone gasped. Megan and Sandra quicky rushed towards Brittany. They tried to comfort her while glaring at me and Damian.

"Damian Summers!" Brittany shrieked. "How dare you slap me?!"

One of the students must've informed the teachers about this because all of a sudden, Mr Williams and Mrs Brooks flung open the cafeteria door. They rushed in and calmed both Brittany and Damian down. They were brought to the principal's office.

* * *

14th September 2016.

Damian walked me to school this morning!


But I'm worried about him now, he slapped Brittany during lunch and they were brought to the principal's office. It all wouldn't happen if he didn't sat with me :(

* * *

I hid my diary under my pillow when I heard a knock on my bedroom door. Dad stuck his head into my room and smiled when he saw me.

"Hey sweetie, I haven't heard from you today so I decided to have a look. Everything alright? How's school?"

I hate it when mum and dad asked me questions like that. I don't want to spill the beans and have them worrying about me.

"Just like usual, dad. Homework and a bunch of stuff teachers blab about." I shrugged, trying to act like nothing bad happened.

"Boring, huh?"


"Well, then why is a guy named Damian waiting for you downstairs? Is he your boyfriend?" dad joked and wiggled his eyebrows. I stood up immediately after hearing the word Damian.

"Is he really here?" I asked.

"Why would I lie to you? And you haven't answer my question."

"I'll explain to you later, dad. But I can assure you that he is no boyfriend of mine." I grabbed a jacket and hurried downstairs. I saw Damian by the door and my younger sister, Natasha, flirting with him. I rolled my eyes and pulled Damian away from her. "It's not suitable to talk here."

* * *

"What happened just now?" I asked Damian. He just stared at me with a smug look, it was then I noticed that I was still holding onto his hand. I immediately let go of him and blushed furiously, trying to avoid looking into his eyes. "You didn't answer my question..."

"Brittany won, as usual." He shrugged, letting out a dry laugh. I stuck my lower lip up and glared at him, demanding a clearer answer. He sighed and said: "Don't you get it? It's Brittany Mackay, the rich guy Donald Mackay's daughter. She has nothing but looks and money, the teachers will stand on her side no matter what. I didn't bother explaining the whole thing to them."

I nodded in agreement. He walked me back after we had a short chit chat. I expected my parents to be standing at the front door with crossed looks, fuming because of how late I reached home. To my surprise, they were full of glee. They smiled when they see Damian by my side. I raised a brow at them, though I already knew what they're thinking about by seeing the envious look shown on my sister's face.

I went upstairs after saying goodbye to Damian. I've decided to add some more to my diary.

* * *

Damian came to see me, I asked him to spill the beans about what happened this afternoon. He told me that Brittany won the battle, again. If only she could be less mean and stop bullying anyone for one day!

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