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Louis' P.O.V
I woke up tired as hell, mostly because I couldn't stop thinking about the hot guy next door... and now I'm thinking about him again. Good job, Louis.

He's probably not even gay. Could of been playing around with me or just making fun of me..

Harry's P.O.V
This morning I woke up in a good mood for once. And it's all because of one guy named Louis...

I sighed happily, feeling like some school girl with a middle-school crush on the hottest guy in my grade level.

"Harry? HARRY!"

I jumped, quickly forced back into reality by those words.

"What do you want, Gemma?"

I sounded rather harsh, but I was having a good day-dream and she rudely interrupted it.

"Stop staring off into space, eat your food before it gets cold and pay a-fucking-attention next time and maybe you'll know what she said."

I gaped at my mother in shock. I know I probably shouldn't be surprised, because lately she's been a bitch, but I still couldn't believe that she spoke to me like that.

"Mum, it's fine really--"

"No it is not, Gemma. Finish eating, we're going shopping."

She gave me yet another death glare.
"And as for you, Harold, go to your room and stay there when you're finished eating."

Damn, she's in another one of her moods. Better just leave her alone..

I nodded blankly whilst finishing the rest of my breakfast, my previously good mood already ruined.

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