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Louis' P.O.V
My plan to sleep in on my birthday failed miserably as all of my siblings bursted into my room at about 7am, screeching happy birthday while they jumped and crawled all over me.





"I'm up, I'm up, I'm up." I groaned as all the ruckus died down and I finally sat up, still tired as hell.

Then, mum waltzed in with a cake, the 19 candles lit up as they all gathered around me and sung Happy Birthday.

"Blow 'em out and make a wish, Lou!"

I wished for Harry to be here, so my morning would be even better than it already has been. And even though the whole wishing thing seems pretty cliche, I still do it to this day.

"What did you wish for, Louis?"

"I don't wish and tell." I gave mum a wink. She gave me a smile in return.

"Mummy, where's daddy?" Phoebe murmured to mum as she sat on Lottie's lap whilst eating her cake.

I rolled my eyes so hard they nearly fell out of my head, then I kept eating because this cake is really good.

"Daddy's still working, but he'll be home later, sweetie."

"But it's Boo's birthday, mummy." Phoebe looked to me, frosting all over her face already, and smiled softly.

I gave her a smile back, watching as Lottie removed the frosting from her little cheeks.

"He knows, honey. He just has to work but I promise that he'll be home soon, alright?" Mum kissed her cheek, obviously loving the cake as much as I do.

"Alright, mummy." Phoebe said, digging into another slice of cake.

I smiled to myself, loving being a year older already.

Harry's P.O.V
After I finally managed to find the proper gift, wrapping paper, and bow, I wrapped up Louis' birthday present.

Finishing it up, I wrote a note, "Wrapped it myself. H xx"

Happy with the turnout, I decided that calling would be cliche. So, I'll just drive over and surprise my little angel.

I got dressed rather quickly, grabbing my keys and heading out the door.

What? I didn't tell you that I just quite literally got my license the other day? Took 3 tries, might I add. And for now I'm driving a rental car until I get a new one.

I opened up the door, got in and cranked the car up, radio not-so-surprisingly playing festive music.

I drove off, Louis' present in the passenger's seat and mariah carey on the radio, looking forward to surprising Louis.

All of a sudden, I got a text from the birthday boy. I know that it isn't safe to text and drive, but that's one rule I'll break for one person.

From: Birthday Boy( ˘ ³˘)♥
Hi :) I miss you :(

To: Birthday Boy( ˘ ³˘)♥
I miss you as well, angel. Happy birthday xx

From: Birthday Boy( ˘ ³˘)♥
Thank you, babycakes. I wish you were here. Urgh

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