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Louis' P.O.V
After Thanksgiving, things got more serious between harry and I.

Our dates were simple, but, Harry always tells me, "The little things are what's important, Louis." And I leave it at that.

What's even better is that our parents get along. Harry's have even said that they 'ship' us. Whatever that means.

I sat on my bed, flipping through the rather large chemistry book as I did my homework that's due tomorrow.

All of a sudden, I felt a dip in the bed beside me and arms wrap around my waist. Enjoying the feeling, I closed my eyes and leaned into his embrace.

"Hey, baby." I murmured softly as he pulled me closer.

His way of responding was tilting my head towards him and pulling me into a lingering kiss.

I shifted around whilst never breaking the kiss as I climbed onto his lap. "Did you miss me?"

"Mm, more than you'd think."

I kissed his jawline before responding with a smile, "The feeling is mutual."

His grip on my ass tightened and loosened as we talked. "So, how's chemistry going?"

I glanced over at my chemistry homework once again before sighing. "Better. 'M still not quite finished yet."

Harry looked at the book as well. "I could help, if you'd like?"

"Really? Because that would be great."

He just smiled, reaching over to grab the big book. "Then let's get started, shall we?"

Johanna's P.O.V
I smiled to myself as I fixed my hair in the rather large bathroom mirror.

Today is our anniversary, (keep in mind that I don't know their actual anniversary lol) and I want it to be more successful than last year's.

Sure, Troy isn't perfect. Nobody is, really. You're all probably wondering why I'm still with him.

Well, the kids need a father. Let's leave it at that for now.

"Troy, dear, are you ready to go?"

Troy walked into the room, dressed and ready, thank goodness. "Yes, Jo, I'm ready."

"Good. Go and get the car started, I'll be out in just a second."

He mumbled an 'okay' and I fixed the rest of my makeup, feeling great. Then, of course, I grabbed my coat, purse and walked out the door.

Louis' P.O.V
Afterwards, I finally finished my chemistry homework. Turns out, Harry's really good at it.

"Thanks again for helping me. I would've been here all night if you hadn't of showed up."

"No problem, love. You'd help me if I needed it." He smiled.

I returned the smile whilst putting my homework away into my bag.

"Do you need help with anything?"

"Not really, I just wanted to come over and see you." He blushed.

I kissed his dimples, because why not. "Aw. I feel loved."

He laughed, shoving me lightly. "You and me both."

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