Pearl's Outburst

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Pearl watched as the three gems played in the ocean, splashing and having fun. She glared at Peridot, nervous about her. Garnet walked over to her, curious.

"So. What's the problem now?"
Pearl sighs,"I just don't see how they can be so calm around her! She tried to kill us!"Pearl exclaims."I don't trust her."

Garnet thinks."Well. She did try to take us back to homeworld. But. She seems harmless now. Look at how she's playing with Steven and Lapis.

"Yes!! Look at how she's drowning Steven with those splashes. And how's she's......wait what the??" Her eyes boggle when she sees Lapis and Peridot begin to dance on the water. Steven seems to be watching. Garnet watches, interested.

Pearl looked terrified.
"Oh no!!! They're going to fuse!! I have to stop this!!!" She cries, running down the steps and getting out her spear. She bolts over and throws it at them. Peridot sees the spear being thrown and jumps in front of Lapis. She takes the hit and poofs. Pearl sighs.
"Okay good. Now that that's over wi-"
Steven and Lapis cry out and are desperately looking for Peridot's gem. Pearl is shocked.
"What are you doing?! Get away from there! Her gem could form any minute!" Pearl cries, pulling Steven away. Lapis still frantically looks for it. She parts the water, soon finding it under some shells. She sighs, relieved.

Pearl on the other hand...not so much. She puts Steven down and snatches the gem.
"I've had ENOUGH! This gem will be contained for the time being. For now, she will be bubbled." Pearl bubbles the light green gem, teleporting it to the temple. Lapis is shocked, trembling with a horrified look on her face.

Steven runs over.
"Pearl why?! Why did you bubble Peridot!? She wasn't doing anything wrong!" He cries. Pearl huffs.
"Her and Lapis were about to fuse. I wasn't just going to sit there and wait for them to kill you!! Who knows what could have happened!" She shouts, looking back at Lapis
"You should be more careful with who you fuse with!"

Lapis clenches her fist, having had enough.
"Well maybe you need to start TRUSTING people more!!" She screams, her cheeks dark blue with rage. There is a long silence before Garnet interrupts.

"I'm going to have to agree with Lapis on that one."
"Pearl please!" Begs Steven. Pearl huffs, turning around and walking off. Lapis frowns, looking down.
Pearl growls.
"But she was working with Jasper and Yellow diamond!" She shouts. Amethyst snorts.
"Was." Then she shuts up. Steven runs back to the house running to the temple.

"I....I knew this would happen. I'm going to go lie down..." Lapis walks off to the house, going inside to think about what had just happened, and what her plans are to get Peridot back.

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