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Chapter 3

I'm sitting here on the couch trying my hardest to watch what's on television, but I can't! My thoughts keep drifting back to the kiss.

Why did I do it? I embarrassed myself! What if he hates me? Oh God, I hope he doesn't hate me!

"Uhgg!" I ran my hands down my face. No one was home. My mom was at work, and would be working late to pay next week's rent and light bill. My little sister was over at a friends and would be staying the night over there. I know what your thinking. On a school night? Well yeah, that little girl has charms. She some how got re parents to agree to let her stay the night over at the new people house that moved here a week ago. They just transferred to the schools around here yesterday. I've only met the little girl and the baby in the family, but I've heard that she has a older sibling.

Well back to me. I can't help but think about the kiss. It was awesome. I was something I've never felt before. It was... It just... I don't know. It just was! That's it that's how it felt. Something that I have no words for. I can't keep thinking about it. I need to call Dylan.With that thought in mind I picked up his phone and dialed his number.

"Hello?" he picked up on the third ring.

"Hey Jess!" he replied.

"I have a problem."

"What's up?" he asked down the line. I took in a deep breath be fore answering.

"Well, when we were dancing down dancing hallway I was dancing all crazy Dimitri stopped me. Then he asked me 'Are you always this crazy?' and I was like 'Yeah, only when I'm not in class.' Then I looked back to see where you guys were, but most of you were already going down the stairs, and when I turned back around he was leaning in for a kiss and I was like 'What are you doing!' and then he was like 'Nothing!' Then I grabbed his face, and kissed him, but when I opened my eyes he wasn't standing there anymore. I kissed Dimitri!" I yelled in the phone. Wow some of those sentences were incredibly long.

"Okay... Um... why are you telling me this. I'm not gay so I don't know what it's like to be in a girls head." That was his great freaking reply. I swear I should slap him through the phone.

"Idiot, that's not why I'm telling you! I need help on what I should do, and what do you think he thinks?" i explained.

"That would be violating the guy code." he stated.

"Well if you don't answer me I'm going to violate your freaking brain with boy talk for the rest of your life." I threatened.

"Okay! Okay!" he surrendered, " I think that you should act like nothing ever happened, and I think he's confused about his feelings. Let him think for a while, and then bring the kiss up in about a week. Dude I sound so gay."

"No you don't." I replied.

"Yes I do." he replied like he was in pain.

"And why do you feel this way?" I asked trying to sound like a therapist.

"Because I just broke the guy code." I smacked my lips at his reply.

"Whatever, bye!" I said be fore hanging up.

I think I need to take a walk down to the lake. I got some thinking I need to do myself. With that thought in mind I think I'll go grab my coat along with my house keys. It just starting to get hot here but around 7 the tempt drops like someone has flicked a light switch. I think it's Santa, because you know how Christmas season is over. He might be mad.

After grabbing everything I needed I headed outside. Before leaving I stuck the key in the lock and heard the soft click letting me know that it was locked. I wrapped my coat a bit tighter and walked down driveway.

I wonder if Dimitri thinks I'm cute. I sure think he is. His hair is so adorable. It not in his eyes like most girls would say. It's cut just short enough to keep out of his eyes, it a chocolate brown, and it's very curly. Oh and it's soft to! His eyes is a very light blue. It's so blue that it's almost transparent when in the sun. I know I said it looks like the ocean, but that was like an understatement. It looks like someone took a paint brush and painted the sky in his eyes. His teeth are so straight, and white. I'm a sucker for straight white teeth. He's such a nerd, but he a cute one. He's got the looks and the brains. Wow I guess I really like this guy, if I 've noticed all of this already.

I didn't notice I was at the lake because I was so deep in thought. I could see my Shadow reflected in the lake from the moon. The lake is such a beautiful place a night especially when it's a full moon. With every movement the lake made it shimmered from the moons glow. I took my phone out to savor the moment. I took a pic of my Shadow in the water and uploaded it to facebook. I think this is going to be my profile picture. It looks nice.

I was about to sit down when I slipped and hit my head on the halfway bridge that stopped at the water. I struggled trying to swim back to the surface, and saw red cloud my eyes.My coat was dragging me down so I was trying to shrug it off at the same time while trying to get higher so I could get some air. I started to get dizzy and weak, but I kept trying to reach that bridge. I gave one last kick, but didn't get anywhere. I stopped trying and just let my body sink. I shut my eyes waiting for death to come and do it's job. I felt my body being lifted out of the water. Maybe they're taking my spirit to heaven. I kept my eyes shut waiting for the next thing that happens, and then I felt someones lips on mine. I opened my eyes in shock. It was Dimitri. He lifted his head and I smiled.

"Am I in heaven?" I asked looking around at the scenery. It looked like the same place where I had just died. My vision was kinda hazy though, and I still felt weak.

"No you idiot! What the heck were you doing! Were you trying to kill yourself?" he asked. I could see concern pasted on the top of his forehead. He cares!

"No I slipped." I replied, but he didn't hear me because he kept talking.

"Your head is bleeding for christ sake! Oh My God your bleeding!" he yelled.

"I s-s-slipped." I repeated. My teeth were chattering, and my lips were probably purple. That's the color I turn when I'm really cold.

"God! Your freezing! We need to get you to a hospital and you need to take off that shirt." he stated.

"Absolutely not!" I yelled while hugging myself.

"If You don't you will freeze to death, and I have an extra shirt in the back." he stated. I just sat there not moving. I'm starting to get really sleepy.

"Take it off now!" he demanded. I did as he said and pulled the wet shirt over my head. He threw what looked like a black workout shirt. I laughed out loud. I'm wearing his shirts now.

"Get in the truck." he said while handing me a blanket. I did as he said while wrapping his blanket around me. I started to feel warmer and sleepier by the second.

"You can not got to sleep!" he said while turning on the radio. He put on some screamo music and had the volume going full blast. I guess I won't be getting in my little nap.


I was going to write more but I've got pizza calling my name... sorry. I hope you like it!


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