Secret... (4)

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Chapter 4

I sat in the waiting room waiting for my name to be called. Dimitri had wrapped the blanket tighter around me and hugged me close to him, sharing his body heat with me. My hair was still drenched and curled up against my face. The water droplets were everywhere; soaking the chair that I was sitting in.

"Jessica Hyde." A doctor came out in one of those long white coats and that heart thingy draped around his neck. I stood up and followed him through the door and to one of the empty rooms. Dimitri followed close behind, and sat in one of the chairs next to the bed.

"So what happened?" he asked as I took a seat on the bed.

"She was trying to drown herself." Dimitri mumbled.

"I was not!" I objected, "I was simply taking a walk to the lake, and when I was trying to sit down I slipped and fell in the water, and my head hit the bridge when I fell in." I explained.

"Well let me take a look at your head." the doctor said while leaning over my head.

"Oh I'm Dr. Adams by the way, and your head looks ok. You almost cut deep enough to earn yourself some stitches, but it's fine. I'll clean it out and put a bandage over it." Dr. Adams told me. Dimitri watched as he patched up my head. I can't go home like this, and I don't want to go to Dimitri house. I am not going to Dimitri house. The doctor left us sitting in the room telling us that his job was done here, and if something went wrong with the cut to come get it checked out.

"I guess I'll be taking you home." he said.

"Dimitri can you step outside for a minute?" I asked. I needed to make a call, and if he answers it I don't want him to hear it.


"Just do it, please?" I asked nicely. He did what I said and I watched him walk down the hallway to the vending machine. I picked up my phone and dialed Lyn's number. She is the one person that I can always count on, but her cousin we have some disagreements. We used to be a thing.

"Hello?" Lyn answered.

"Hey can I crash at your place. I kinda hit my head and had to go to the hospital. I don't want my mom to see it, and this is Jessica by the way." I explained.

"Yeah! No problem! Do you need a ride?" she asked.

"No I got one."

"K. I'll be waiting. Bye!" she hung up and I called Dimitri back into the room.


Dimitri pulled up beside the side walk, and I hopped out the truck. I seen him walk up the driveway toward me. I rolled my eyes ready for his smart comment. I really hated him, and I don't mean a hate with a lust. I mean I seriously loathe him, because he has this thing about him. I don't know what it is, but I always end up falling for him. It's like he plays with my feelings and says these charming things, but I know he never means it. I guess I always fall for him because he was my first love, and that's what I hate about him. I wish he would just disappear.

"So I see you've missed me." he said giving me that smile. That smile that was always meant for me. I was his first love too, but it never works out when we try to fix it. Plus he's a total player, but not one of those I run the school types. He's just addicted to the game.

"I don't think so." I said glaring at him.

"Good, because my next fling is coming over so don't get jealous." he's trying so hard to make me jealous, and it's kinda working. Dimitri stepped out of his truck and came to stand next to me.

"I'm guessing this isn't your house." he stated while wrapping one of his arms around my waist and giving Lance a hard glare. Lance looked shocked for a second, but returned the glare just as hard.

"I'm fine Dimitri. I'm just going to go in and hangout with Lyn." I said while detaching myself from his side.

"Dimitri is it?" I heard Lyn's voice and seen her leaning against the door frame. "He's a handsome one." she said giving me a thumbs up. I rolled my eyes, and turned around to give Dimitri a hug.

"Thanks Dimitri. I'll see you later." I said pulling away.

"Wait give me your phone." he demanded. I gave him mine and he handed me his.

"I'll call you later." he said giving me my phone back. He hopped in his truck and drove off.

"Piece of crap he's driving." Lance said as he watched the truck go down the road.

"Oh yeah, and where's your ride?" he didn't respond. "Exactly."


I was sitting on the couch across from Lance watching TV when his fling walked through the door. She was pretty and she knew it, but you could tell she was also arrogant about it too. I nodded at her as if to say hi, and she gave me a disgusted look.

"Who is she?" I could hear the jealousy leaking out of her voice.

"I'm Jessica, and you don't have to be jealous. I don't want him. Been there do that." I stated before putting my attention back on the TV.

"He doesn't seem like he was to happy to be with you." she said while taking a seat on his lap.

"Excuse me?"

"Well that's why he left you, so he could be with something prettier. Something like me."

"You got that right. You are a something, but you got one part wrong. I broke up with him." I said. I couldn't believe she just said that, and Lance isn't even doing anything. That's what hurt me in this situation. He doesn't care about me anymore, and his actions is showing it. I could feel the tears trying to leak out of my eyes, but I held them back.

"Well you did him a favor." she replied.

"I hope you don't think your his new girlfriend." I laughed, "All you are is a walking twat. What do you think he saw first? Your face? No, what he saw was the next twat to shag, and you just so happened to be the next." I explained. "You see I'm spending the night over here, but once he's done shagging you, he's going to call you a cab and send you home. That's going to be the last time your going to talk to him, but don't worry. Your lucky, because I have to deal with him for the rest of my life." I finished.

"You wish." was her great reply.

"Oh you think I'm lying?" I questioned. "If I was he would have defended himself, but he's not. That's how you know I'm telling the truth. Your nothing special to him, and never will be." I said while getting up to see if Lyn was out of the shower yet. I couldn't sit here and watch this anymore.It was to much, and I hate dealing with this kind of stuff when it involves him.

When I got to her room she was still in the shower, so I kicked off my shoes and laid down on the bed. I ended up crying myself to sleep that night. You never forget your first love.


I don't know if it's short or long enough, but leave COMMENTS! don't forget to VOTE! Oh and I'm starteing the dedications, so first one to comment and vote gets a chapter dedicated to them!

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