Secret... (7)

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Chapter 7

It was the end of the day, and Lyn and Lance usually waited for me by the busses since we ride the same bus, but when I got there no one was there. They probably got checked out. I guess I'll be riding the bus home by myself today. 

As I was about to step on to the bus I felt someone tug on my elbow. I turned around and saw Dimitri holding up his keys. I smiled and followed him to his car. Well now I won't have to ride the bus anymore.

"you know this isn't going to last forever." I stated, "Unless you start picking up me and my other two friends that rides the bus with me." I finished. He let out a small laugh.

"I have no problem picking Tyler, Dylan, Reva, and the others up." he stated.

"No not them. I mean Lyn and Lance." He grimaced as I mentioned Lance name.

"I have no problem with Lyn, but Lance..." he trailed off, " you guys seem like you've got some history between you two, and I don't like that. Besides, do you even talk to them during school?" he finished.

"No, because Lyn is a grade higher, and Lance is two grades higher than me. So I'm not able to see them during school unless we're at lunch." I explained. I know what you may be thinking. Two grades higher than me? Yes and that means he is a Junior, and we started dating when I was in grade 7, so you do the math.

"So you dated someone two grades higher than you, and he didn't feel like a pedophile?" I shook me head. In reality he was only three years older than me. Not much of an age difference if you ask me.

"Well I don't like him, and if he tries anything on you we're gonna have problems." I squirmed in my seat when he said that. I'm glad he is willing to protect me, but he doesn't know Lance. If he ever tried anything Lance would kill him, and that's a fact. Not an opinion.

"Yeah well if he ever does just let me deal with it." I mumbled.

"What? No-"

"No you listen to me. You don't know Lance like I do. He's not a bad person, but if you even tried to do anything against him he'd kill you. He knows... people, and he won't hesitate to kill you if he has to." I finished. Dimitri said nothing as he started the car. He drove to my house in silence, and I watched as we passed near by stores and different neighborhoods. 

I unbuckled my seat belt when he stopped in front of my house. As I grabbed for the door handle Dimitri stopped me. I turned around and before I could say anything his lips were on mine. I smiled into the kiss glad that he could get passed what I just said. He leaned in more trying to mold our bodies together with the kiss. I put my arms around his neck pulling him as closer. As close as I could without that little thing that sits in the middle of a car in the way. We were interrupted by a tapping on the window.

I turned around and Lyn was standing on the other side of the window crying. Dimitri pulled away, and I hopped out of his truck. I grabbed Lyn and let her cry on my shoulder before asking what happened. Dimitri stood there not knowing what to do as she opened her mouth to explain.

"Lance is in the hospital." she croaked out. My body tensed up as I waited for more information. Dimitri looked at me when his name was mentioned, but quickly put his attention back on Lyn. I could see the jealously flash in his eyes, before for it turned into sympathy.

"He had an assignment with the gang, and when he went to complete it something went wrong and he was shot." she explained. Tears started to leak out of my eyes, as she tole me what happened.

"He blacked out, and when someone found him he was laying on the ground with his eyes close. Now he's in a coma and may not wake back up." she finished. I tried to hold my tears back, and I could feel the ache in my throat from trying so hard. I gave in and let the tears slip out like a rushing waterfall. I felt huge arms engulf me as my knees gave out and I began to fall to the ground. 

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