Secret... (8)

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   Chapter 8

  I sat under the shower head hoping, wishing that it would wash away this day. I know it's not possible, but for Lance I would take everything back if I could. I would change the choice I made on that day just for him. Tears flowed like a rushing water fall out of my eyes, and when each tear fell they were quickly washed away by the water. I don't know how long I had been sitting in here, but I heard frantic knocking coming from the other side of the door.

  "Jessica!" Dimitri's voice traveled through the door. "Jessica, are you okay?"  I didn't respond to him. I continued to sit there. I could hear him let out a loud sigh, before I heard him walk away from the door. After a while I decided to get up.  I reached for my towel and wrapped it around me.

  I stepped out into the cold hallway, and took slow dragging steps toward my bedroom. I kept my eyes on the floor as I walked into my bedroom and shut the door behind me. Once the door was shut I lifted my head, and saw Dimitri sitting on my bed staring at me. I moved past him without saying a word to him. I looked through my drawers for underwear, and once I found a pair I quickly slipped them on with the towel still wrapped around me. With my back turned toward him I slipped on my bra. Once I had on my undergarments Dimitri stood up and wrapped his arms around me from behind. I let out a sniffle while trying to hold my tears back.

"Talk to me." he whispered into my ear, but I couldn't. He wouldn't understand why I felt, still feel the way I feel about Lance.  If God gave me a choice to choose between Lance and Dimitri, I would have chosen Lance in a heart beat. A heart beat. That's how long it took for him to take Lance away from me. I pulled away from Dimitri, and went straight to bed. Dimitri slid in bed next to me, and I think what I said next hurt him the most.

"I want to sleep alone." my voice quivered a bit as I was on the verge of tears once again. Dimitri got out of the bed, and I could hear his angry footsteps pound down the stairs before I heard the front door bang shut. I heard his truck give an angry roar, and screech out of the drive way. Once he was gone, my bedroom door was opened once again. This time it was my mom. The bed sunk as she sat down next to me and started stroking my hair. This time I let the tears flow, letting them fall down the side of my face.

"Will you talk to me?" my mother asked.

"He asked for one more chance, and I told him no." I heaved out in between my tears. "I take it back, mom. I take it all back."  she sighed.

"I don't know how to help you with this. All my relationships never last, and I've never fallen as deep in love as you have." she explained, "All I can say is either way you put it, God knew it was his time to go." she finished.

"Maybe it wasn't, maybe it was another day, week, or years he had. We will never know, because who ever shot him robbed him of his life." I finished. 

"I don't know, sweetie. I don't know." My back was to her , and I could imagine her shaking her head as she said those words.

"Dylan and Tyler is worried bout cha'. They're down stairs." she told me.

"Send them up here. Reva and the others will be here soon." I told her. "I'm sure of it."


Dylan, Tyler, Reva, Natalie, and Krystal were all crowed around me waiting for me to speak. Lyn was dealing with the same problems I was, and we promised we would see each other tomorrow. I laid my head on Dylan shoulder waiting for the questions to come. No one said anything so I broke the silence.

"I think I might have messed it up with Dimitri." my voice was the only sound in the room. 

"What happened this time?" Dylan asked.

"When he tried to comfort me I kept thinking about Lance, and ended up asking him to leave basically."  I replied.

"Wow. You suck at relationships." Reva said with a laugh. I let out a small laugh.

"Look she's laughing!" Krystal yelled. They all chuckled at her out burst while I let out a small chuckle to.

"Lets play a game." Natalie announced.

"What is that?" Tyler asked.

"I call it the random game!" Natalie yelled.

"You are random, but how do you play?" Dylan asked.

"Easy say the first thing that comes to your mind." she replied.

"Banana!" I yelled out.

"Not funny!" Krystal yelled. Everyone laughed at her response.

"Yo mama!" Dylan yelled.

"Yo daddy!" Tyler yelled.

"Reproduction!" Reva yelled.

"What?" everybody responded to Reva's out burst. I started to laugh, and soon everyone joined in.

This is how we spent the rest of the day. Playing the random game, and it made me a bit happier. I forgot everything at that moment and only thought about what my next random thought was. It was the most fun I had had all day, and that's why I loved my friends so much.


I'm pretty sure this chapter wasn't that long. At least that's what it feels like to me, so I apologize! I have not been able to upload lately because of school, and I'm moving. Sorry. I will update as much as I can, so bear with me please. Anyways VOTE, COMMENT COMENT!, AND FAN IF YOU LIKE! DID I MENTION TO VOTE AND COMMENT! THANX! BYE!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2011 ⏰

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