Secret... (6)

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Chapter 6

I told Dimitri I would catch up with him later, so I could go hang with some of my other friends. Dimitri agreed and went to his 5th period. Two of his classes had been switched, and now I don't have 5th, 2nd, and 6th period with him. I also have lunch with him every other day now.

I turned the corner and headed to the library. I know that's most likely where Dylan and Tyler might be. It's kinda like are meeting place in the morning. As I walked through the doors I scanned the library looking for Tyler and Dylan. I spotted Dylan at one of the computers, so I took a seat next to him.

"Hey Dylan!" I said while wrapping my arms around his neck. He returned the hug, and then divedinto the conversation.

"So what's up with you and Dimitri?" he asked.

"I like him." I blurted out the first thing that came to mind, "I like him a lot." I added.

"Well have you talk to him... you know.. since the kiss?" Dylan asked.

"Yeah. I mentioned the kiss to." I mumbled.

"What! I thought I told you wait. Now you have scared him away." Dylan said with the shake of his head. 

"I didn't scare him away. He said that he doesn't know if he likes me or not, because he's only been here for like a day. He says it's to soon to tell." I explained. Dylan opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off. "He also said that I'm not just a toy, and then he kissed me again. We got caught by his mom, but he didn't care. He kissed me again before we left his house."

"So your stalking him now?" 

"No! My sister spent the night over there because apparently her new friend is his little sister." I wanted so badly slap him at that moment. Dimitri's not that cute to stalk. I was a little heated at that comment, and Dylan noticed.

"I was just asking."

"Asking what?" Tyler asked as she took a seat on my lap. All the chairs were taken, and she does this when ever she shows up late.

"Jessica has got a thing with the new Dimitri kid." Dylan said with a smile.

"Oh my god! For real?" Tyler said jumping out of my lap.

"Yeah not sit down!" I said grabbing her hand and pulling her down. To much attention was being directed are way, and I hate that. When she sat down I told her everything I had just told Dylan, andshe had a big goofy grin on her face.

"I'm so happy you found someone other than that Lance guy!" she gave me a huge hug, and jumped off my lap when her phone vibrated.

"Ugh! We have a performance to do this morning." she said out of frustration. She's in orchestra, and I'm in chorus.

"Ha ha!" I taunted her.

"You do to." she bursted my little happy bubble. I hate when she does that. 

"No I don't" I denied.

"Yeah you do." Dylan piped in. "Your chorus teacher just came in here to call all her chorus students to her class." he added.

"Shut up Dylan!" I yelled out of frustration.

"I love you to he said while hugging me." I fake cried into his shoulder while he stroked my hair. He let me go and I got up to leave with Tyler. We were quite for a while, before she started asking questions.

"So are you and Dimitri a thing?" she asked as we walked down the hall.

"I... well I actually don't know." I started think about it. Are we a thing? Am I ready for another relationship. Will it last if we do become a thing. What the heck are we anyways! Maybe we're friends with benefits. No. I'm not like that. This is something I have to talk to Dimitri about.


After the performance I roamed the hallways not wanting to go back to class. I would have stayed in chorus class since she wasn't doing anything but watching a movie, but she kicked me out saying that I need to go to class. Yeah right.  

I think I'm gonna walk up stairs. Maybe go pass the art room. She might let me in. I still owe her my last project. By the way I love art. When ever I'm mad I turn to a sketching pencil or sketch pad. I also draw just because you know. I guess it's just a hobby.

I was about to knock on the door when I heard my name being called from down the hall. I turned around to look down the hall and saw nothing. I shrugged my shoulders and raised my fist when I heard my name again.

"What?" I said rather annoyed. "Look if your a ghost go bother someone else with your problems." 

"Jessica." it responded. That's it I'm going to kick this ghost butt. I walked down the hallway. As I was walking past the hallway someone grabbed me and put their hands over my mouth. I fought against them, but the person were to strong, so I did the only thing possible. I bit the persons hand.

"Ow!" I turned arond and saw Dimitri shaking his hand as if he could shake the pain off of it.

"Hasn't anyone ever told you don't scare a black person?" I asked as I stared at his hand. My teethmarks was imprinted on his hand, and I let out a small laugh at the sight of it.

"Aren't you mixed?" he asked.

"That makes it worse." I stated.

"Your gonna pay for that!"

"Sure I am." As if. Like he could do anything to me. He has no idea who I hang around. If he was to ever make me mad I could easily get him back, but I'm not like that. I would never us-

My thoughts was cut off as he smashed his lips on mine. He nibbled on my bottom lip. I smiled into the kiss enjoying the game of tug of war that our lips were playing. I could play this game all day if it wasn't for the person who had interrupted us.

"Excuse me." I pulled back staring daggers at the person who had just interrupted us.

"What!" I asked a little harshly.

"You blocking the water fountain." Dimitri's arms wrapped around me as if to tell me to calm down. He started to pull me away from the water fountain.

"She could've went to the other one that's only at the end of the hallway." I stated while following Dimitri.

"That's mean, and calm down. You can kiss me anytime you want." he stated as if it was obvious.

"I can?" I asked him

"Yeah I'm yours, and you're mine."

"Says who?" I asked.

"Says I. If you're going to kiss me then your gonna be mine. I'm not sharing you with no one else." he stated while giving me a quick peck on the lips. When he pulled away I had a new feeling on my lips. Not only was my body warm from the kiss. My lips were tingling now, and I felt wanted. It was something new to me, and I liked it.

"Plus I know your secret. You like me." he said showing me a real smile.

"It's not a secret." I whispered.


I know it seems as though I just gave away the whole book, but trust me I didn't. So keep reading and you'll get a lot more. Let me know what you think. No this is not about me btw just to clear things up. I just got tired of seeing my name used as a mean girl in different stories.

IF I GET A LOT OF COMMENTS AND VOTES I WILL GIVE YOU ALL AN EARLY UPLOAD! IF NOT THEN YOU ALL WILL HAVE TO WAIT A WEEK FOR THE NEXT ONE. SO VOTE AND COMMENT! PLEASE!!!! Also could you all take a look at my story When We Fell? It would really mean a lot! Thanx to you who have already did!


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