Chaptet 1~ Lizzie Who?

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Please don't kill me I come in pace with a new chapter! Guys I know and I'm sorry, I really am. I've been so busy this days and had no time at all. But now I'm here and I come with the chapter. Can't believe it, here we are: first chapter of book two. I'm exited, absolutely am! I really really really really-okay I'll just shut up and let you and the chapter alone. *winks then exits, closing the door behind*


I've came to a conclusion: I hate yellow.

Yellow is bad. Bad bad yellow. And so is the pain that, in this moment, is the only thing I can feel.

And guess what's the only thing I can see? Flippin' yellow! Yellow all around me. It's surrounding me and I can't escape. I searched, I looked, I tried, but there is no way out.

No, hold on... There is one! I can see it!

I dashed to something that looked like a door. But with every step I took, I felt myself changing. In that moment, I felt like was made of jelly: with every move I made, my body trembled and changed form.

My legs, waist, arms, chest, face, hair... I could feel it was changing.

"I have to get the hell outta here!" was my only thought. But, wait. I don't speak like that. That's not how I speak. This is not the way I speak.

I brushed the thought off and kept running to the door that seemed to get closer. I'm thanking God that this was not that kind of dream where you run to a destination and it keeps getting further and further, away from you. That kind of dreams really did piss me off.

And again, I don't talk like that!

What is happening?!

I was in total panic, breathing heavily, legs exhausted, as I finally reached the door. With no second thoughts, I flew it open and stepped in. Into, well, nothing. Then I fell. Down, down, aaaaall the way down, into the white whole. Of course, I screamed, I mean, who wouldn't when you're freaking about to die squished against the floor?

I looked down, in anticipation, waiting to see the floor. When I finally saw it, I saw something lying on it. As I got closer I could finally make out what it was: it was a body, surrounded by yellow -ugh- light.

My eyes widened when I realized that I was falling straight to it. And that, in any moment, I was going to fall through it. I desperately tried to grab something to stop myself from falling. But there was nothing else other than thin air.

The ground was getting closer and closer, and I prepared myself to hit the poor body, covering my head with my hands, as I kept falling. I left out a scream. And then it just happened: I arrived to my destination. And, apparently, I went through it. Literally thorough the body.

I gasped loudly as I shot up, in a sitting position, breathing heavily, sweating a little. «Waoh! That was a hell of a long fall!» I breathed out, blinking rapidly as I tried to take in my new surroundings. Actually, my old ones. I was in the laboratory. The same laboratory I was in before.

That was when I spotted three rather dumbfounded people. One tall and skinny, wearing a suite, the other with jet black hair and a coat and the last one, a girl. The only thing that made them look similar were their extremely wide eyes. As if they saw a ghost or something.

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