Chapter 10~ Let Go

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Dedicated to PhantomOfBooks  who is simply an amazing person, who helps me when no one can❤️ you're brilliant hun. I love you very much.


She didn't walk around for long. As soon as Lizzie turned the corner and went out of the Doctor's sight, she pressed the buttons on the manipulator given her by Jack and vanished, like she never was.

Appeared she in a park, illuminated by the daylight. All around her were mothers with prams, people walking or jogging, kids joying.

She looked down at her wrist: December 12th, 2014, London, Hyde Park

Sighing, she walked to a bench and plopped into it. It's been a long time since she sat down, and just for a few minutes stayed, lived, and got bored like humans normally do.

Yes, Elizabeth Smith wasn't human, but sometimes she just wanted to forget.

Forget she was Crystalline.

She ran away from the person she was: the coward who left her people at their dying point. The one who wasn't there for them.

Guilt filled her once more, stabbing her in her hearts and soul.

She exhaled a deep breath. A cloud of hot air erupted from her lips, and Lizzie watched how it slowly disappeared, the cold air that surrounded her consuming it.

Screams, once again filled her mind, blood invaded her memories.

Leaning back, she shut her eyes. She breathed in and out.

In and out...

And, for the fist time, enjoyed her peacefulness. Enjoyed the normality. The blood shuddering screams we're still there, invading her mind, filling it like a glass fills the water.

But for the first time it didn't matter: she just sat there, hands in her pockets, breathing in the cold winter air of London.

She opened her eyes, and watched the green trees, the people walking by. All so innocent, so naive. And while their life may have been troubled, like a ship riding trough an ocean in the worse of storms, her life was ten times worse. She didn't say she didn't love it, in fact she adored it. But, just that once, she wanted to enjoy her peacefulness, that silence, that nothing.

She had things to do. She knew that. Especially one.

But that could wait. After all, those were the perks of being a Time Lady. Time was at her feet.

Elizabeth sat there for an hour, and God only knows what her thoughts were about.

She didn't move, and her eyes remained close. It didn't matter to her that she probably looked mad in the eyes of the passerby's, she was enjoying her time like never before.

And, after an hour had gone by, she stood up, and with her hands in her pockets, she started walking, strolling down the Hyde Park, knowing her destination fully well.


«Have you heard about it?» the woman spoke in a shushed tone «It's all over the news. Quite sleek if you ask me. And too many details. I know, I get it, some people might find it interesting, but there are kids listening to it too, for God's sake!»

«Do we have something in?» the sound of an opening fridge echoed in the flat, mixed with the warm voice of the man.

«Yes, on the left.» the woman's voice dismissed, before she carried on babbling «How they described blood, gosh! I had chills running all over me. I'm going to write them a letter, they should revise their journalists. Those things shouldn't be said on national television.»

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2020 ⏰

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